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Everything posted by Bluebasser86

  1. @bait__Monkey became a member in 2006, a full 10 years before @TnRiver46. I really do appreciate all the bad casters in the area. Whoever lost the MB 110 that I found last week pretty much made my day. I need to start videoing my lure hunting trips, they've been more eventful than my fishing trips lately ?
  2. I pretty much stick to St. Croix and Okuma on rods and I've got rods and reels without partners laying around right now as is.
  3. As long as you're not needed long cast and fishing braid, the 2000 is fine. If you're wanting a little longer cast, or using mono/flouro mainline, you might want the 2500. I have both sizes, the 2000 is a very small spool that doesn't hold much line at all but the reel itself is plenty for bass. My son mainly uses the 2000 so I don't have to worry about him wrecking too much line all at once when he reels over a wind knot ?
  4. Want? Lots of things. Need? Nothing. There's some new cranks and jerks I want to try, and I want to try the Slobberknocker. Will I actually scrape any spare change together to actually do it? Maybe, or maybe not.
  5. A trimmed down stick worm.
  6. Until they decide to melt for some unknown reason and all get deformed and stuck together and he has to throw 3 dozen bags away like I did last fall ?‍♂️ I'm trying to be the anti-Bait Monkey and stopped posting pictures when I buy new baits. I also stopped looking at the thread for all the new purchases and sales, it's too hard to fight that urge and I like having new toys to play with.
  7. Daiwa Revros reel and Aird X rod gets your out the door a little over $100. I have that combo X2 and it fishes well above it's price range. I use to be a huge fan of the Pfluegar reels but they've really gone downhill the last few years since they got bought out IMO. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Daiwa_Aird_X_Spinning_Rods/descpage-DAXS.html https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Daiwa_Revros_LT_Spinning_Reels/descpage-RRLT.html
  8. "Cold", in a sunshirt and shorts ?, while I'm hoping it makes it above freezing one of my days off so my guides won't be icing the whole day.
  9. Welcome!
  10. Welcome!
  11. Not sure where I failed at there? Take 2 major weapons away from any offense and the QB is going to struggle. If Hurts didn't have Smith and Brown, are they in the championship game? I know the Chiefs wouldn't be if they lost Kelce and Ju-Ju, probably not if they just lost Kelce. FWIW, I had the Eagles and Bengles in the Superb Owl so I think they're going to win also.
  12. I fish all winter long and it's extremely rare for me to catch a fish deeper than 8' of water. Those mud flats with little ditches and mud flats with leftover weeds hold fish all winter long.
  13. I hate the "Well, take away all his weapons and that QB would suck", argument. Yeah, that's how it would work with any QB, take away all their weapons and they'd suck.
  14. I'm not sure if they're exactly neutrally buoyant, but the Zoom Z Drop and Finesse worms are my dropshot worms of choice. I don't think the Z Drop has much, if any salt, so it should be close to neutral.
  15. I've been catching most of my blade fish off the bottom, while it's just sitting still. I've been really surprised by how few actually catch it on the fall. My biggest blade bait fish was caught a few weeks ago 6' deep, right next to my kayak, on a mud bottom. I lifted and dropped it, bait was just sitting in a puff of mud on the bottom no doubt when she inhaled it.
  16. Welcome!
  17. Denny Brauer was my favorite bass fisherman growing up. I liked George Cochran a lot also because they were both shallow water fishermen that were going to catch them their way instead of following the crowd. Doug Stange had a big influence on me also because he was such an avid multispecies angler who had an appreciation for all fish.
  18. Send them an email, call them, or return it to where you got it. You might be able to get most of the moisture out, but you won't get all of it. First time it gets hot, that bait is going to expand and ruin the bait. The BB's inside it can rust and create a big mess also.
  19. Berkley Surge Shad and Jointed Surge Shad have been winners for me.
  20. I use the cheap luggage scales that cost around $5 each. They're incredibly accurate and consistent. I've probably got 6-8 of them floating around between the kayak, boat, and NIB in my garage. I add a pair of fish grippers and they're ready to rock. Member @Goose52 has does some very detailed test on these scales, so this isn't just my feelings or opinions, he's done some pretty thorough testing.
  21. I can't remember off the top of my head but they were extremely high before she started and just about where they need to be now. She has a rare, hereditary disease where her body's cholesterol level is always high and it doesn't do anything to change diet or exercise. We were thankful that it worked because the next step was pretty drastic.
  22. My wife takes it and has for about a year now. It's helped to get her LPa numbers right about to where they need to be and no side effects that we're aware of. The only real downside is she says the shot is pretty painful, mostly a bad burning sensation when it's doing the injection.
  23. That was what was so great about the Havoc lineup, cheap, effective, and durable. It was pretty rare to have a bait that didn't catch multiple fish before it was wrecked.
  24. It takes practice, it gives me so much better control over the fish though.
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