Sounds like you're doing fine, but maybe wanting too much from yourself. It takes years on the water and lots of experience to develop the skills and intuition that is required to be regularly successful in tournament fishing. Even if you dedicate that time, it doesn't guarantee that you'll be successful either. Bass tournaments are extremely competitive and with the new technology, they're also very expensive if you want to compete at a higher level.
Try not to make it too complicated for now. I've been fishing over 35 years, tournament fishing over 20, they still beat me bad some days. I've gotten better by focusing on myself instead of everything else. All the media sources you're talking about, that's a lot of extra clutter in your mind on tournament day. I find I do much better since I stopped trying to find recent fishing reports, youtube videos from the lake, and instead just look at a map and find areas where they should be based on my experience. It doesn't always work, but I feel better about it when I failed doing what I felt I should be instead of chasing someone else's bite.