Push the point of the hook out of the other side of the worm just until the barb is almost out of the worm. I'm using a 6' 8" M/F with 8lb fluoro, and homemade ballheads with the corkscrew keeper and don't miss many fish with them. I set the hook as soon as I feel a fish. If you wait to long the worm will ball up in the fishes mouth and you'll set the hook back into the worm a lot of the time. Most shakeyhead worms are only 4-7 inches long, so it doesn't take a fish long at all to get the worm in it's mouth far enough to get the hook. Make sure you reel fast and keep tension on the fish after the hookset in case the hook isn't buried in to the barb. It shouldn't be your rod or line that is making you lose fish, it has to be happening because of something else.