Sounds like a good day. My best inside source said last report he had was tough but he wasn't sure the guy he got the report from knew much about what he was doing.
Just so everyone knows, since there are two ramps in the state park, We'll be going from the East ramp, the one closest to the dam.
The wife and I spent the weekend at Milford with some of my family and had a blast! We were the first two there Friday night. We threw the tent up and cooked some hotdogs and still had half an hour before dark so we dropped the boat in and fished around the boat ramp cove in a couple spots I knew had some good fish. We were on fish immediately. My wife caught a big crappie, a little wiper and a little largemouth. I caught this chunky 16 inch largemouth on a popper.
Flipped into the same spot with a football jig and got thumped by this 18" largemouth.
Caught a couple small smallmouth before we called it a night.
Next morning was chilly! We started in the same area and it was way slower. I caught a couple smallmouth and small wipers. Tossed a trap at some wipers and was surprised by this 17" greenie. Most trips I don't catch a single largemouth but not the case this trip!
We went to the dam and I spent most of the next 2 hours unhooking my wife's fish. She was kicking my butt from the back of the boat. This is one of her biggest smallmouths and one of 2 keepers she caught.
They weren't all bass either.
She got worn out from catching fish I guess and decided to lay out in the back of the boat for awhile. I throw netted some shad to drag behind the boat while I was fishing for smallmouth to try to get a big wiper. First fish was a goldeye, looked like a little tarpon except they have teeth!
Little ways further I heard a clunk behind me and turned around to see my rod folded in half and line burning off the spool. A nice fight and I got this 4.89lb wiper in the boat.
I ended up with 59 bass Saturday and my wife outfished me bad, not sure what her final numbers were but I know I unhooked way more of her fish that I did mine.
Sunday I went out by myself in the morning before the forcasted storms that never happened rolled in. I got a couple pretty nice smallmouth at 17 and 16.5 inches. I really liked the colors on the second one.
Spent the rest of the day catfishing with my aunt trying to catch her some dinner. Not much luck but one small blue and one small channel should be enough for 2 people I hope. Had a blast for sure!