Thought I'd start a thread specifically for this so any members that aren't on the site as often might see it and not miss out if they're wanting to attend. Saturday October 20th there will be a get together at Melvern Lake for any KC area guys interested in attending. We'll have a free bragging rights paper tourny (no weigh in, just measuring fish), with food and drinks afterwards. No entry fee and no prizes for the tournament, it's just for fun and bragging rights afterwards. The only thing you'll be asked to contribute is some food or drinks if you're planning on staying and eating and some gas money for your boater if you're fishing as a nonboater, especially since it's already almost $4 a gallon.
Some of the details still need to be hammered out (start time, who's bringing what, who's fishing with who) but we'll get that all figured out on here. If you haven't already sent me a PM and you're planning on coming and if you're wanting to fish as a boater or nonboater please do so, that way we have a headcount and can figure out the rest of the details. As of right now I have:
Hi Salenity (Curtis) & Wachti (Peter)-team
Chris Schauer & Sean-team
retro basser (Matt) &Busy (Jeff)-team
Kylek (Kyle) & father in law (Darrell)-team
Bluebasser86 (Clayton) & kanasbasser08 (Chris)-team
Basshunter0731 (Jon) & Ricky-Team
tritonguy & AllDay (Dave)-team
pbrussell (Blake) & CCC Drew (Drew)-team
So it could be a pretty good turnout it looks like. We had one in late spring and minus the wind and one painful accident it was a lot of fun and I encourage anyone interested in attending and meeting some of the guys from the board!
Food list:
Bluebasser86-Grill, charcoal, beans
Hi Salenity-brats
CCC Drew-hotdogs/buns
KlyeK-chips, dessert
Chris S-Potato Salad
Wachti-hamburger buns/chips and dip
Basshunter0731-hotdog buns/plates
tritonguy-potato salad/brats
Tournament rules/regs:
Start time-7am
End time-3pm
Standard BASS rules apply (no live bait/1 rod per person/fish must be caught following all state laws). Fish are measured with mouth closed, bumped to the front edge of the board with the tail pinched, measure to the closest 1/4". All black bass (large,small,spots) qualify. Measurements are on the honor system (it's for fun and I don't believe anyone on here has an ego big enough to feel the need to exaggerate to win nothing other than bragging rights). Feel free to take pictures of your fish to show off afterwards and/or weigh them but it isn't required for the weigh in. It will be the total lengths of the longest 5 fish caught per boat/team. Doesn't matter if one person caught all of them, it's the overall length of the 5 longest combined. We're only doing measurements to prevent killing fish by carrying them around in a livewell all day. Plus there probably wouldn't be many fish brought in with the 18" length limit on smallmouth anyways.
The main objective here is for everyone to catch some fish and have a good time and get to meet some of the guys from the board so remember to be courteous to everyone involved and others on the water. There's 7,000 acres for us to spread around on so if someone is catching fish please don't park on top of them unless you get the ok from them to share the spot regardless of if they're in the tournament or not.
Just for fun I may add some spots for those inevitable "other" fish too since most of us are multispecies anglers. I'd be interested to hear who catches the biggest walleye/crappie/white bass/catfish/drum/ or whatever else we dredge out of the lake. This way if anyone is thinking about coming back to the lake to fish for something other than bass they might be able to get an idea of what else they could catch. This is just an idea I'm kicking around because I've seen it done in other tournaments and it's always interesting to hear what everyone catches while fishing for bass.