Well it was a lot tougher today for Hi Salenity and I, but I still almost caught 40. A lot more small fish today, no topwater, spinnerbait, or trap fish at all. Had a couple hit a spinnerbait and trap and not hook up but not even a boil on topwater. There was just way less activity on the water today with it being so calm and cold this morning I believe, 30 degrees at the ramp this morning and it felt like it. It was a Ned rig day for sure but even that was slow most of the day. We got a few on cranks and Curt caught a few on a Mepps but that was it. We finally figured them out pretty good in the last hour. Backed of the dam and started casting into 10' of water with the ned rig and fishing it SLOW, started getting bit almost every cast. We probably caught almost as many fish in the last hour as we did the whole rest of the day. Wasn't a multispecies day at all either, smallmouth, 1 spot, 1 sunfish, and several whites. No drum, cats, walleye, or crappie. Curt had a nice largemouth hooked but it got in a brushpile and pulled off. My 2 biggest of the day were 16.5 and 17, both on a Ned rig.