That's awesome! I had a guy start screaming at me and a friend a couple years ago during trout season on a local lake. We'd found them schooled up right at the end of the boat ramp, I'm assuming eating bugs that people were blowing when they were loading up. There used to be a rule on the lake that you couldn't release trout but they'd recently changed it so you could release them if they were caught on lures, not powerbait or livebait, and they were in good enough condition to survive. So we were catching them left and right on spoons and releasing them without even touching them when this guy starts screaming "You can't do that! You have to keep your limit and leave!" I have a feeling somebody was having a hard time catching fish and it chapped his butt to know that he just hadn't found them. Well apparently he thought it would be a good idea to call the park ranger and report that I had 30 trout in the livewell and was still putting more in there. What he didn't know was it was a good friend of mine who was working the lake that day so he came over to have a talk with the poor confused individual. First I pulled up to the dock and showed the ranger and the guy the 3 or 4 trout we had in the livewell that were hooked badly and probably not going to make it, so we were good. Then the guy starts yelling again about how you can't release them and it says it right on your fishing permit. So my buddy the ranger asked him to show him where it says that. The guy whips his lake permit out and reads every word on it and of course it doesn't say it but he still decides to go on about how it used to say it and we still shouldn't be allowed to turn them loose like that My friend that was the ranger explained to him how we had broken no rules, but he had by lying about us supposedly poaching fish. The guy already had his boat loaded on his trailer so my buddy told him maybe it was best he just headed home and didn't cause any more racket and he'd just let him off with a verbal warning for filing a false report