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Old Codger

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Everything posted by Old Codger

  1. Put a five HP on the back of mine. Cracked the transom on both sides. Not made for that kind of stress. My advice -- Don't do it!
  2. Vaporhead; I bought a pedal drive Hobie last year and loved it. It allows you to move around with your rod in your hand, and it has lot's of storage space.You can peddle it all day long and not get tired. I highly recommend that if you buy one you don't get an inflatable one. Call the Hobie dealer in Allentown Pa. He will treat you right! You may have to transport it further than buying one local, but take my advice and call him. Let me know if you have any specific questions about it. Regards Old Codger
  3. Gentlemen; I bought an Eagle fisheasy fish finder several years ago, used very little until now, when I have retired and fish just about every day. I have read the instruction book that came with it, and several things on the internet about how they work, but I still can't get it to work the way they say it is supposed to. I use it out of a float tube or a 1 man pontoon boat, and of course that means that I move very slowly. I have never been able to get it to show fish by showing inverted V's like they say it is supposed to. I can put it on the fish icon mode, but then it shows everything as a fish, and from what I read is not at all accurate. And I don't know which scroll speed I should put it on since I am moving so slow. Can anybody tell me what I have to do to get it to show inverted V's and therefor accurate indications of fish? Thanks for your responses in advance. Old Codger
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