I bought an Eagle fisheasy fish finder several years ago, used very little until now, when I have retired and fish just about every day. I have read the instruction book that came with it, and several things on the internet about how they work, but I still can't get it to work the way they say it is supposed to. I use it out of a float tube or a 1 man pontoon boat, and of course that means that I move very slowly. I have never been able to get it to show fish by showing inverted V's like they say it is supposed to. I can put it on the fish icon mode, but then it shows everything as a fish, and from what I read is not at all accurate. And I don't know which scroll speed I should put it on since I am moving so slow.
Can anybody tell me what I have to do to get it to show inverted V's and therefor accurate indications of fish?
Thanks for your responses in advance.
Old Codger