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Everything posted by Bull

  1. Try Dennis Canada, he is excelent. He will fish from daylight to dark if you like. He is not like alot of others. They will only fish from 7:00 to 5:00, just like a job. Dennis will put you on the fish.
  2. Catt, I am the same way . I was use to the old names and now people are calling them different names. I guess we just have to learn both.
  3. Paul, thanks for the info, I have'nt fished Mcgees flats that much. I guess I was talking about Little Lowes flats.I see you fish that area some what. If you are ever looking for some to fish with give me a shout. I mostly fish by myself since I work shift work. Hoping to go back up to the lake on Monday and fish for a few days.
  4. Catt, yes my place is off of Lowes creek off of 3315. On old maps its Lowes creek and the new maps its call Hickory ridge. In the eighties and early nineties, you could'nt count the boats out there. On the hook and line map its called Rickbay or little Lowes flats. Then when they started droping the level 10 feet during the winter , it killed alot of the moss. Some of the moss is starting to return now that they are keeping the level at 168 or higher. so I hope the fish will return also. I would also like to thank everyone for the info that they are sharing.
  5. thanks for the info tbendbassn, my place is close to there off of pleasure bend road.
  6. Catt, My place is up in hickory ridge according to the bouy markers, on the map you asked us to get it is called Lowes creek. Several years ago you could not count the boats out on the flats by pleasure bend and magees landing. Now there are not many boat out there to be seen. I know the contours are still there but maybe not the moss. Could that be the reason? Will the bass still be at these locations.
  7. This is my first time here, I am enjoying the information that I am reading. I have a place just South of Six Mile up Hickory Ridge. I hope to learn more about the lake I fish most of the time.
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