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Everything posted by lynyrdsky1

  1. Jefferson is Jamarcus Russell except he is showing how bad he is before he goes to the NFL. LSU has always done well with a short fast guy at quarterback like Matt Mauck and Matt Flynn but I think Mettenberger would do a pretty good job but maybe Jarrett Lee if he gets a little more time.
  2. Got another year but I got Senioritis like crazy haha. Got alot of work to do this last year but I am ready for it. Most of my friends have already graduated and have already started to leave and it just has me inticipating next year. Hopefully I am going to Alabama next year to study Metallurgical Engineering and hopefully I'll been on the bass club. Was thinking about being in a fraternity but I won't have the time nore the money to do it.
  3. I'll help out any way I can.
  4. Hey everyone, I am just looking for anyone that can help me on skirt materials. I do not think there is anywhere where I live that sells materials so I was just wondering can anybody point me in the right direction of where and what to buy. I think I am gonna stay simple with just blues, reds, watermelon, green pumpkins, browns, and purples but any suggestion would help alot.
  5. Don't give my sister any ideas haha. Her names Kailyn Marie 6lbs 7ounce 19inches. When I saw that I told my dad thats a good TN Smallmouth right there haha.
  6. Haha this has already been done. I have the cinderella fishing kit down stairs waiting to give to her.
  7. Hey everybody, I'm sitting in a hospital waiting room while my sister is in labor with her baby girl. Can't believe I'm gonna be an uncle.
  8. I thought gate shears are just like dikes?
  9. Sold crack....... jk.
  10. I'm gonna just buy the gate shears at home depot or somewhere like that and I was gonna buy powder paint at BPS. How do I need to paint them though? Spray paint or dip and how do I dip with out a fluid bed?
  11. There is one rod you should think about that you didn't include, can anyone say DUCKETT? haha but really, they are a little cheaper but are probably the best rods I have ever used. Personally for what your wanting to do, I would get a 7'3 MH Duckett but you may if you are going strictly Swimbait or heavy t-rig I'd go Heavy action.
  12. Man you need to save you're money. I try to save as much as I can even though I have to pay gas (which is 100 a week), insurance, any extra groceries, books for school, etc and I am still in high school!! I've been able to save a little bit here and there for bait making with my minimum wage summer job because I havn't bought anything i didn't need but once I spend the extra $$$ I have, I'm not buying anything for a long time. Luckily, when school starts back, my parents will again be flippin the bill for food, gas, clothing and all the necessities haha but until then I'm on my own. Like I said before though, save your money for when really needed it because once you spend it, that money is gone.
  13. Sorry to hear that man
  14. So far I got the hooks, the mold, the weed guards, and the hot pot but what tools do I need? I'm starting off easy with jigs first.
  15. wait my mistake thought I pm'd
  16. Hey guys, I know I've been talking to a few of you about starting to build jigs and spinnerbaits well, I finally have funds to do so. I'm willing to spend 300 to 400 for everything I need to get started but was hoping not to spend everything I have. Not sure what style molds I should get though and once that is done what size hooks, beads, clevis's, blades, etc should I get? I know I'll need a hot pot, lead, and wire formers which I already have plenty of lead I'm just not sure what else Im gonna need. I need help on this, and who knows maybe you'll be getting free takle out of giving some free info haha.
  17. Good job thats awsome man. I'm 6'3 by the way, 180 wouldve of been a good weight if I was still running XC but I need to bulk up for football.
  18. I'm a poster child of running does help you get in shape. Because of Cross Country last year I went from 260 in April to 180 in Novemeber. I went from running a 30 5K to a 21 5K and i owe this all to my team and coach who never gave up on me even after I screwed up a few times. I do not run cross country anymore but it gave me a good enough base to help get where I am now.I am now 205 but I am in better shape then I was in when I was at 180. I may weigh a little bit heavier than I was but it's mostly muscle now. Benching 225, squating 300, and power cleaning 200, running a 5.1 40 yard dash and I started working out back in Feburary. All I can say is I'm happy where I am at now and I really owe it to running.
  19. Hey everyone, Had my last tournament for the year last week and it ended on a good note. Was able to finally fish with my dad who hadn't tournament fished in 8 years. I caught one fish at 1.29 and he caught 2, one dead at about 1lbs and one that weighed in at 4.07. We both didn't win but he said it was nice being back. All in all I can say I was pretty consistant all season, only zeroed once but I still have a LOT of inprovement for next year and I can't wait. Thanks for everyone on here who posted grade A info that without, I probably would of done alot worse.
  20. Work, Fishing, Getting ready for senior year, Football, want my whole schedule? haha
  21. Hey I know my last post didn't really help much and I'm sorry for that so heres what I got: Spinnerbaits are a very versatile bait and have many different variations. You probably need to look around on this website at the articles and the posts on here because I know a bunch of guys have made a lot of good posts about spinnerbaits. Senkos are a very simple bait on the serface but when it comes down to how to fish it and master it, it gets a little complicated. Again there are many posts and articles dedicated just to senkos so you need to check them out. Now to how one is better than the other: I can't really say which one is because they are so very different. If the fish are active I'm gonna through a spinnerbait if they are very finnicky I am gonna through out that senko. But again you may catch fish on them during conditions that you would normally not think they would work. All I can say, to make it all simple I guess, these are 2 baits, if I were you, that you should always carry cause you never know when you'll need them because they do work. Just experiment with them, Austin p.s. Spinnerbait opinion: Terminators and Booyahs all the way. Terminators if you can find them though cause I do not think they make them anymore.
  22. Apples to oranges man.....
  23. I don't dip or smoke ciggeretes because my dad hasn't had a full set of real teeth since he was 35 and he is 50 now. Thousands of dollars later of dental bills he now has implants but it would never have had happen if he didn't dip.
  24. Haha, got that covered actually but she is back in Memphis. I was down here at U of A for Rush weekend and I have a meeting with the engineering department tomorrow.
  25. I don't have fishing pole with me. I went to acadamy sports and bought 50 dollars worth of stuff haha. Actually I've started working on some spinnerbaits, been modifying and fixing old ones I don't use.
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