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Everything posted by lynyrdsky1

  1. its pretty faded around the top cause it sits out side ill post pictures when i get the chance.
  2. hey would anyone in memphis area want to have a fruit jar tournament anywhere in around this area. I was thinkin Sardis Enid or Pickwick but up for suggestions. This really is in just thinking stages and idk if anyone will want to do this but just let me know.
  3. screw it i can live with out the warranty
  4. how do i repair gel coat on 20 '3 2001 champion. Its not bad its just faded and cracked near 2 of the cleats where it was pulled against. Its my dads boat so i want to do something that is easy and hard to screw up so i dont mess up his boat
  5. Jamey Johnson all the way he is the only country singer out there that sounds like the old country guys like waylon jennings merle haggard and david allen coe
  6. wait i bought mine like 3 weeks ago they didnt say anything about paying an extra 50 for limited lifetime they said it came with it.
  7. Hey guys could you happen to do a video on either wacky style or drop shot?
  8. I have experience be the partner. I was with my dad and hes in the front of the boat and im in the back. I kept throwing in front of him and then he told if idid it again he would cut my line. Guess what i was dumb enough to try him and he did cut my line. I learned my lesson from then on.
  9. today was not such good day. They were pumpin water out and the lake was at the right level but it was 10 15 mile an hour winds and a front over head and rainin. Caught like 5 on a shaky head worm june bug and a carolina rigged ultrvibe craw but thats about it. Worst part was dad had rain suit i did not. Better luck next time
  10. thanks we may be goin to either sardis, moon, or enid now so thats good to know
  11. tennessee mississippi boarder straight down third street comin from memphis
  12. i sorry im a BPS junky since i live in close proximity of one but carbonlight or proqualifier arent bad both between 90 and 120 and also wright and mcgill skeet reese rods arnt bad but im not sure if they only come in crankin sticks
  13. Right now i got one large box dedicated to night fishing its got 12 inch large profile worms in black/red neon and blue and black, terminator quarter ounce black spinnerbait, quarter ounce blue black jig with a blue sapphire baby brush hog trailer, zoom baby brush hogs in red ruby and blue sapphire, black bandit 300 series crank and thats about it not much but this stuff has worked for me for awhile
  14. welcome
  15. im probably going to sardis this weekend to night fish and fish the next morning with my dad does anyone know anything thats going on right now there was not any fishing reports in the newspaper today for some reason so im just trying to find out
  16. yea hes said that to
  17. so would it work well for crankbaits on a crankin stick ?
  18. hey im just trying to fgure out does it matter either or. I know that round reel holds more line but what is its major purpose this may sound like a stupid statement but im just wanting to know is there any difference in performance between an abu ambassador and a extreme just to give an example
  19. funny thing is this info is comin from my dad
  20. i mean places like lake view and hatchie river r examples of what imean since when i do go with my dad we go there.
  21. ive looked up this school they r not bad just im trying to figure out how i would go about trying to get a scholarship for fishing from them
  22. i know this may sound sad but i have never tried tube fishing mainly because i have been told its a mainly clear water lure and where i usually fish is muddy or lowvis water
  23. is there anyway to fix the blank core and the cork without converting it
  24. is there anyway to repair the blank core
  25. i checked the rod its broke threw the blank
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