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Everything posted by lynyrdsky1

  1. Shakey Head Carolina Rig Spinnerbait
  2. Quick question does chine walk only happen when you go above 60? Cause I've driven My dads Champion at around 55 or 60 and it didnt walk at all.
  3. post a picture
  4. I don't think Bass Pro carries them. Try *** thats where I just bought an American Rodsmith spinning rod from
  5. Mine will be out once I get back from nashville friday.
  6. Ok thanks I really want the Varetta's (hope I spelled that right) but the Vengeance is in more of my price range.
  7. Yea I know about the other Abu's just havn't heard if the Vengeance are just cheap rods they have just to sell and that suck or if they are good inexpensive rods?
  8. Hahaha your right sorry about that.
  9. Hey wheres the link for the sign up form again?
  10. Looking at Gainesville and UCF in Florida as well.
  11. Im tryin to stay away from in state. The field I want to go into tennessee doesnt offer it so I can get instate tuition at an out of state school. UTC is the only one Im looking at but didnt really like it when I visited.
  12. I'm trying to get tournament experience but do you need it to be succesful in fishing in college?
  13. Yea I forgot about Boat U.S. I know Indiana is in FLW and so Is Auburn but what about Alabama, LSU, and Mississippi State?
  14. Yea I knew that you were but didnt know if anyone else did. Is FLW the only circuit or are there others?
  15. Im a Junior In high school and I've just been trying to find anyone who is in the FLW College Tournament Circuit or any College Circuit (cause not sure if there is more than one) that I can talk to and ask questions because I'm planning on joining a club when I go to college but I am not basing my dicision on which college I should go to based on fishing.
  16. Any body have any info on these rods. Saw that they were pretty cheap and most of the reviews were good just need more feedback before I make the decision to get it.
  17. WHAT THE? How did I not catch it when I watched that movie last night...... I have lost my mojo :-/
  18. I locked arms with him and swung him back on land. Yea I wanted to grab my rope out of my truck but I didnt think I had enough time so I pretty much used all my strength I could to keep balanced and bring on to dry land.
  19. That was a trick question haha. There are many answers to that cause Blood Alley considered pretty bad because there was no chemistry between John Wayne and Lauren Bacall at all.
  20. That may work but it doesn't work so well when your dad gets mad at you for getting him something thats expensive. I just bought my dad a rod and he was mad but he said he would take so i hope it wont be picky.
  21. Sorry I didn't post this yesterday but yesterday I was trout fishing at a stocked pond at Shelby farms and it was about 32 degrees in the morning. An older man was close to the bank where it drops off into the water. He slips and falls in but I ran to him and pulled him out. He was very thankful and I was just happy I was there to help him. He wasn't in the water for more than a minute but he was already shivering pretty badly.
  22. 1. Batjac 2. 3? 3. Flying Leathernecks Flying Tigers High and the Mighty 4. Cowboys Sands of Iwo Jima Shootist Alamo Seabees Wake of the Red Witch 6. Revolution French/Indian Korean Spanish American War 8. Greatest Story Ever Told?? I don't know if it was a flop, but come on, John Wayne a Roman? 9. Toupee What was the name of John Wayne's production company? Batjac 2. How many films did John Wayne play the part of a pilot? 6 3. What were the names of those films? High and the Mighty, Island In the Sky, Flying Leathernecks, Fighting Tigers, Wings of the Eagles, Jet pilot 4. Name four films where John Wayne's character died? Wake of the Red Witch, Cowboys, Man Who Shot Liberty Valence(of old age), Fighting Seabees, Sands of Iwo Jima 5. How many different American wars did John Wayne movies cover? Civil War (how the west was won), WW2, Vietnam( Green Berrets), American Mexican War in Texas 6. Name an American war he didn't star in a movie about. WW1 7. What famous Stunt man developed stunts with John Wayne? Tom Mix? 8. John Wayne was completely miscast in what movie, considered a flop? Blood Alley 9. What did John Wayne wear that most people weren't aware of? Girdle or Toupee he started balding when he was young so I think they knew he wore that 10. What movie did John Wayne star in that was directed by Cecil B. DeMille? Reap of the Wild Wind
  23. You got 1,2,4,7,8,9,10 correct your pretty good.
  24. Haha VIctor Mclaglen and Ward Bond it has to be a toss up. Women costar has to be Mareen O'Hara for sure
  25. you got 8,1,10,7, 4 right
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