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Everything posted by philsoreel

  1. I was hoping to find another one because mine has seen better days. It took a hammering yesterday morning.
  2. Pic wasn't showing up for some reason.
  3. I call this thing my double super secret lure because I don't even know what it is. I got it at Wal-Mart several years ago for $.99. It's a topwater lure, but it doesn't walk the dog, it doesn't pop, and it doesn't swim. However, this thing will light a fire under the big girl's bellies during the winter. Can anyone identify it? Wal-Mart carried a company named Renegade one time that it might be. It came with red hooks but I swapped them out with Gamakatsu Short Shanks.
  4. A good marketing strategy???
  5. Aurora Brown.
  6. Berkley makes one that looks like an red and black aluminum pen called the THS Smart Hook Sharpener. It's very easy to make a fine sharp point with. Never go fishing without mine. It's about $10 BPS had it at one time but I think they quit carrying it.
  7. I was a die-hard powerpro user until I tried 832. I actually like it better than Samurai so far.
  8. They do make the Citica and Curado in lefties, its just that Curado e7 comes in Right and left Curado e5 only comes in right Citica comes in right and left Yeah, my mistake. I meant low geared lefties. HIA syndrome... Buying a low geared reel was more beneficial to my crank fishing than any other change I've ever made.
  9. Been using Shimano for nineteen years, never had a single issue. Why change now?
  10. I hate the stretch but it's hard to beat Invizx on spinning gear. I like a slightly stiffer line on a baitcaster than most so there are several that I can live with. Trilene 100% and BPS are decent. I'm in love with Toray Solaroam Upgrade for a heavier line, 16lb. So far, it's lasted longer than lesser priced line, balancing the price scale in it's favor. It shows no sign of slacking up either. Still feels slick and new. Haven't tried it in any other size though.
  11. I've been a die-hard Shimano guy since my brother gave me one on my 11th b-day, but I can't believe they don't make the Citica and Curado in a lefty. That sucks.
  12. Is one better than the other in terms of performance or is it just a convenience thing?
  13. That was so messed up. Even with that kind of money on the line I wouldn't have done that to him.
  14. I have the same setup (CUS-DX72M) but mine has a wire keeper about an inch above the butt pad. The same keeper that's on the Cumara Reaction series rods. My regular Cumara's have the same style keeper just in the grip instead of the butt. It works fine for me because all I use them for are T-rig worms and jigs. I'd hate to have to hang a treble in it.
  15. I use a 5/0 Gama off-set round bend on my 10's and it works great. I also go to a straight shank in heavy cover. Berkley Powerbait 10's are the biggest thing I've ever thrown but I'm wanting to throw some 12's and maybe try those Dichoso 12.9's. Wasn't sure if I needed those super-long shanked Owner 7/0's. 8-)Cool, I won't have to buy any more hooks... Nevermind, bait monkey says buy another bag of worms instead.
  16. No, it's not free but it's a lot cheaper than Samurai. I went ahead and got 300yds for $34.99. They sent me two 150 spools instead of a 300 > I'll end up with some wasted lined off both off them.
  17. 1-Shakeyhead w/Strikezone Shake-up Head worms 2-Bouncing Bandit cranks off hard-cover 3-Carolina Rigging Robo straight tails Honorable Mention- LC Wake Shads. Didn't catch get the numbers but got alot of bigger fish.
  18. Got it in 40lb. It has some body to it right off the spool. Kind of a PowerProish coating. Went to the front yard first and made about 15 casts. First cast was unimpressive, a little rough, but that faded quickly. Pitched with it for a little bit, thought it was pretty neat how you could see the single gore fiber(little white dots) after it broke in some. Got in the lake and the dots disappeared when it got wet. Casts great, no backlashs, sensitive....looks promising. Not saying it won't break-in more and become smoother but it's not as smooth as Samurai so far. Doesn't sink as quickly as I expected but no big deal. More later....
  19. When you get a full-time job...I always forget how old you are. lol
  20. Save your money, buy him a trully remarkable rod, and watch his face light up when he uses it. You'll never forget it and neither will he.
  21. I love how you got someone to take a picture of you holding that monster. I love how that last statement made no sense. His avatar...
  22. I love how you got someone to take a picture of you holding that monster.
  23. Forget the rules and limitations this is conjecture, thinking out loud and in no way meant as a comeback or an attempt to score a point in Carrington's Forum Fighting League... All I was trying to say, that got lost in my trying to defend each and every tiny detail (which was stupid because this is all hypothetical), was this...if there were a line that had all the benefits of braid and fluorocarbon, outside of a few techniques, it would be the only line IMHO we would need. If you wanted it to sink, they can make it sink. If you wanted some stretch in your line(Sufix Stretch Braid), you could have it. If you needed surface visibility, you could have it. I wasn't saying that FC wasn't needed, hell it's on all but 3 of my reels, but I wish it had the strength, sensitivity, diameter, and no stretch that braid has. What John said about me basing my theory on other people's experience was right in a way, just not the way he was saying it was. THAT WAS MY FAULT. I think more people believe in the need for less visible line than don't. I've formed that opinion based on other people's answers/responses on here, other forums, and the people I know personally. I also believe it to be true(most of the time outside of the spawn) from my own experimentation. I don't watch a whole lot of fishing tv but I swear that is the only thing I've ever heard pros say about fluorocarbon.
  24. What hook do you use in worms larger than 10 inches? I absolutely hate EWG hooks but I've never seen a Gamakatsu standard offset worm hook larger than a 5/0.
  25. Has anyone else noticed how similar the cranks look to a Lucky Craft Fat CB BDS 3 and 4. They are dang near identical. I'm not sure they aren't identical...except for the Powerpoint visual aid inbedded in it's a**
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