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Stephen D.

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About Stephen D.

  • Birthday 04/22/1988

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  • Location
    Hickory, NC

Stephen D.'s Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Billy Currington "Bad Day of Fishing Beats a Good Day of Anything Else"
  2. I just got a Powell Diesel in the mail yesterday. Hope to try it out this weekend
  3. Zebco Omniplex mono - cheapest stuff at the local Wal-Mart
  4. Hey guys, I need some help with what type of setup I should get for my next rod/reel combo. I usually fish in a large pond from a john boat, but also occasionally the lake on the back of my neighbor's boat. Here are the setups I currently have: Daiwa Procaster / Daiwa Tierra 7' MH Rod - used mainly as my jig rod (favorite technique) Daiwa Regal-XiA / Abu Garcia Vengeance 6'9" M Rod - used for T-rigged worms, shakey heads, etc. I'm looking to spend no more than $200 for the combo. I can't decide if I want to get a cranking setup, or a higher quality all-around set up. Thanks, and all help is appreciated!
  5. Here's the one of him holding the fish.
  6. Went to a pond today and took my 5-year old nephew on his first fishing trip. Had him using an old Zebco spincast rigged with a little blue and green grub. Quite a few bass were hanging on the bank - mainly dinks around 10-12". I was using a Havoc Pit Boss but the presentation seemed a bit too large for their liking. This was actually my first attempt at sight fishing. Alex lost interest about 15 minutes into it and started playing with the dragonflies and tad poles. I came up on this one little dink and began flipping the Pit Boss to it. It would come up and sniff it but never would fully take it. At one point it finally nipped at the tail. At this time, I had Alex bring me his rod and began flipping the grub. The bass took it and I set the hook and gave the little guy the rod. He reeled it in by himself and then held it for a picture!
  7. Looks Great - as usual!!
  8. Caught this little one on a green pumpkin jig for my first catch of the year. Hopefully many more to come!
  9. Oops, I somehow created a different account above when I tried to login via Facebook...
  10. My favorite part was at 5:05. Most of the bass struck the skirt/hook part only of the spinnerbaits, but this one took the whole thing - blades and all!!
  11. Great, thanks everyone! Looks like I have a new spot to fish!
  12. Hey guys, The local pond where I predominantly fish is about a 4-acre pond. There is only one area that has significant vegetation coming up from the water, but the water depth is probably 1 foot at the most. I would like to be able to throw some frogs and flip some creature baits in this mess, but is the water depth too shallow to have any bass? How shallow will bass get?
  13. I believe you can actually stream coverage from bassmaster.com. Not the same as watching it on TV, but still the Classic nonetheless...
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