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Everything posted by billsarima

  1. Bass fishing for me is more of a stress releaver. Catch and release is all I do. Now if I catch a mounter thats another story. As for a few of my buddies they keep a few when we go. If I'm salmon fishing I'll keep my catch.
  2. When I was younger I would buy cheaper gear but found as I got older to purchase quality gear as it would last longer. Now I'm not saying go buy hundreds of dollars in equipment but buy some gear with good reviews!!
  3. Welcome
  4. Got up early to fish my favorite lake. Picked up my fishing partner and headed out. Got to the turn off to the lake and gate was shut and locked. So we headed to another lake not to far away but it's a walk in lake. We do know of a boat thats hidden at the lake so we made our way in. We start to fish and my fishing partner says where's your sunglasses. I felt my hat and they were gone so we rowed over to the bank and I walked the brushy trail back finding them lying on the ground with one of the lenses cracked. Just great. I get back to the boat and start fishing. We catch several small bass and my fishing partner sets his pole down in the boat. I don't know what happend but the next thing I know his pole falls over the side of the boat. I jump for his pole and so does he and we about flip this little aluminum boat. Water starts to run in the boat and all I can see is his orange belly crankbait going down. So now I'm sitting there with pair of broken sunglasses and he's down one pflueger baitcaster and a Berkley lightning rod. We tried to retrieve his pole but we couldn't see it and the water was deep. He pulled out his spare pole and we fished maybe another hour. The both of us decided we better head in before something else happens. Not a good day.
  5. I fish the ocean and straits for salmon and have been in some nasty weather with my fiberglass Arima. I do head for shore if its to bad but I also trust my boat. When I fish lakes I use my aluminum boat or my stealth 2000. I've been in my little stealth 2000 when the water is white capping and blowing and the boat reacts fine. If the water gets to extreme I'd head for shore. I guess it depends on the type of boat and actual conditions for me.
  6. Sorry to hear that. Some people have trouble following through with their word.
  7. I caught a largemouth Bass last weekend on a crankbait. As I was removing both treble hooks from his mouth he decided he wanted nothing to do with surgery and began to flop around. My fingers slipped off his lower lip and the fish fell. Somewhere between me pulling out the hooks with my needle nose and his flopping one set of trebles came loose. As the fish fell the one set of trebles lodged in my hand and the fish was still hooked on the other end. Needless to say he was still flopping. I grabbed the fish pulled the treble from my hand. As the blood ran down my hand I continued to pull the treble from the fish and then debated if I was going to keep this fish for dinner. I guess it was his lucky day, I threw him back as my fishing partner just laughed.
  8. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I live in the Pacific Northwest and mainly fish for salmon and steelhead but a fishing partner and I caught wind of a lake in our area that has largemouth Bass. Now I'm not a stranger to Bass as I use to spend the summers in eastern Washington fishing Banks lake for Bass as a kid, but that was 20 years ago. Now this lake is kind of a remote lake but we took our chances and packed a boat in, something we could leave as we had to walk this boat in about two miles, but it was worth it. We found a little hideyhole with a few Bass in it, now I'm trying to read up on what baits to use and when. So far I really like top water baits but I've caught more fish with crankbaits. Anyways I'm looking forward to being a part of this forum. Thanks
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