lol so todays my birthday. My girlfriend is bailing on me to go do work with her friend. She has stuck me with her dog until she decides to return. I was going to go camping at willow slough this weekend but the forcast calls for thunderstorms in Morocco this weekend.
I just spent about $100 to get new line put on all my reels and other misc fishing related items. The only thing I wanted for my birthday was to spend it with the girlfriend...
Second best, I want to go fishing somewhere that I have a good chance of catching more than some small bluegill and bullheads. Just curious if anyone that knows of some good fishing would like to meet up either this Saturday or Sunday for some fishing.
I don't have a boat so I'm stuck with shore fishing unless anyone who may be interested has one. I'm trying to salvage this bust of a birthday weekend so if anyone is interested please feel free to post or send me a PM.
I should be able to meet anyone within a reasonable distance, preferably at a local bait shop or somewhere I can punch into the gps. Otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to be stuck either renting a boat at Rogers lakewood in valpo or taking my chances at Jasper Pulaski.
The last time I went to either of those the fishing was horrid. So again, If anyone is interested if a fishing trip this weekend Post or PM me. I'll buy the beer or the bait or whatever have you.
Just want to find some good fishing for once. The last time I caught anything decent was was well over 10 years ago ans that was an 18'' Largemouth. That place is sadly no longer there. Hope to hear from someone, and good luck to anyone going fishing soon.