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About Sledge

  • Birthday 08/13/1981

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    <p>Portage Indiana</p>

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Wait, DEET sounds familliar... bug sprat right? lol I was gonna pick up some deep woods off.Oh and do you think I should pick up some bass minnows? my friend won't shut up about bass minnows.
  2. No idea what you mean by condition and I have no idea what DEET is. http://www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/files/fw-La_Salle_map.pdf That's the link to the map of the place... any chance you could explaine on the map where we'll be parking and where the 2 areas you were talking aabout fishing at are? Thanks. Phill
  3. lol I just asked my brother of he wanted to chance a trip out there tomorrow morning with his gf and my buddy. Sun rise is supposed to be around 6 so I kinda wanna get over there around then. If you have any interest in coming out and fishing with us PM me or something and I can PM you my Cell number so you can call and we can meet up out there somewhere. Any advise on live bait? I was thinking my stand by night crawlers but besides that I'm just not sure. Thanks in advance. Phill
  4. Just checked the weather forcast for Lake village In and it looks like storms there all weekend too.
  5. lol so todays my birthday. My girlfriend is bailing on me to go do work with her friend. She has stuck me with her dog until she decides to return. I was going to go camping at willow slough this weekend but the forcast calls for thunderstorms in Morocco this weekend. I just spent about $100 to get new line put on all my reels and other misc fishing related items. The only thing I wanted for my birthday was to spend it with the girlfriend... Second best, I want to go fishing somewhere that I have a good chance of catching more than some small bluegill and bullheads. Just curious if anyone that knows of some good fishing would like to meet up either this Saturday or Sunday for some fishing. I don't have a boat so I'm stuck with shore fishing unless anyone who may be interested has one. I'm trying to salvage this bust of a birthday weekend so if anyone is interested please feel free to post or send me a PM. I should be able to meet anyone within a reasonable distance, preferably at a local bait shop or somewhere I can punch into the gps. Otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to be stuck either renting a boat at Rogers lakewood in valpo or taking my chances at Jasper Pulaski. The last time I went to either of those the fishing was horrid. So again, If anyone is interested if a fishing trip this weekend Post or PM me. I'll buy the beer or the bait or whatever have you. Just want to find some good fishing for once. The last time I caught anything decent was was well over 10 years ago ans that was an 18'' Largemouth. That place is sadly no longer there. Hope to hear from someone, and good luck to anyone going fishing soon. Phill
  6. Thinking about going out Sunday to the kankakee river. Wanna get some practice in before my camping trip. Was just curious on what would be some good bait choices. The only type of Lures I am confident in my ability to use are rooster tails and the like. I'm looking on advise for Live bait. I have only been there twice and i never caught a thing lol.
  7. That is very kind of you to even consider that. Maybe one of these days we can get together for a fishing trip. I think I should be able to PM now so I'll PM you my email address and if your interested you can email me sometime.
  8. I bought them over 10 years ago when I was working. I'm agoraphobic and it has gotten worse. I'm on disability now and about $30.00 is about all I can afford on on a rod these days.
  9. I would love to have a high end rod but I just can't afford it lol.
  10. Sledge you ABSOLUTELY CAN fish topwater baits with spinning gear...use a 6 or 6.5 foot medium to medium heavy rod and load your reel up with some 8 - 14 lb. test mono, or 30 lb. test braid it's funny you should mention that because I just got home from having my reels serviced and 30 lb test put on them and I bought a new 6' medium ugly stick. Now my question is, should I use a swivel or something when using using any particular type of lure? I need to go and see if i can't find some videos on presentation. I have $300 in soft plastics I bought years ago that I have never even attempted to use.
  11. Can I fish a top water lure with a spinning reel? I always thought I needed a bait caster. And if I do need a baitcaster can anyone recommend an affordable idiotproof one? Sorry I have been fishing for 25 years but usually always just with a worm on a hook lol.
  12. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good weedless top water baits and explain how to use them a little? As I said an an earlier post I have always used live bait and would like to try out some lures. I have 0 experience with anything except spinners. I'll be using an open faces spinning reel.
  13. I just need to get out on the water. My birthday is next week and my girlfriend just broke up with me... I need some distraction lol. Looking as if we are planning an overnight trip to Willow Slough. From the size restrictions on the LMB I'm assuming they have some pretty nice ones in there. I called today and got some info seems very nice. I'll probably fish 90% of the time there and just sleep around noon when its the hottest lol. I forgot to ask if they had an on site bait shop though... I have already called and bugged the poor woman 3 times. I'll wait until I call to make reservations before I ask lol.
  14. That sounds great. do you want my email address or anything?
  15. I'm more of a live bait guy myself... I can never figure out how to fish a lure other than like a rooster tail or the like lol. Was thinking about taking some crawlers and minnows.Do you think I'd have much luck with live bait? Oh and do they have a bait shop on site? Edit: I will be renting a boat for sure. I'll pay and make my buddy paddle lol. Phill
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