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About Evintos228

  • Birthday 02/28/1987

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    <p>Chicago, IL</p>

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  1. It will be interesting to see what kind of results they will get. Without knowing the data of these lakes (electro-fishing surveys, harvest numbers, juvenile survival rates etc.) it'd be tough to guess why NJ decided to inrease the limit to 15" minimum. Another area of research that is loosely related to biomass and carrying capacity of ponds is aquaculture (fish farming). Couple of pics found online.
  2. It depends on the body of water. Smaller bodies of water with limited public access would require more harvest of predator fish to prevent overpopulation and stunting as well as preventing a decimation of forage populations. Larger bodies of water typically doesn't have issues with stunted fish nor lack of forage but there are exceptions (e.g. invasive species impacting the Great Lakes). I took a look at the NJ freshwater creel and size regulations (http://www.eregulations.com/newjersey/fishing/freshwater/size-season-creel-limits/) and noticed a catch and release season. My guesses are that either NJ decided that a high population (high catch ratio) of decent (medium) sized bass is preferred over a smaller population of larger sized bass (lower catch ratio) OR the amount of predator fish (bass, walleye, pike, muskies, etc.) has begun to impact forage and this is a preventative measure. With the catch and release season, I'm leaning more towards the latter than former. With enough forage and space, no harvest is needed to ensure a large population of small, medium and large fish. Of course, New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife may have decided new regulations on a whim without research/data. Illinois for example had an absolutely idiotic fishing regulation regarding Yellow Perch (closed season in July after Perch spawned but allowed perch harvest during the spawn ) that finally changed this year http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/news/Pages/IDNRAnnouncesLakeMichiganYellowPerchFishingOpeninJuly.aspx It depends on management goals - big trophy fish, large population of fish (usually for consistent harvest for consumption), a balanced approach to both? In a pond with the goal of huge bass, harvesting smaller bass is the cheapest way to go but definitely not the only option. You can use pond fish feeders (expensive), create habitat or areas that promote the survival and reproduction of more baitfish (could be expensive), etc.
  3. http://www.noble.org/ag/wildlife/stunted-bass-fishery/ http://text.lsuagcenter.com/en/crops_livestock/aquaculture/recreational_ponds/Stocking_Managing_Fish_Populations/Managing_Bass_and_Bream_Populations/Managing+Pond+Bass+and+Bream+Populations.htm http://msucares.com/wildfish/fisheries/farmpond/management/trophy_bass.html https://www.sdstate.edu/nrm/outreach/pond/upload/Stocking-Scenarios-for-Smallmouth-Bass-Jul-Aug-2004.pdf http://www.americansportfish.com/?option=com_content&task=view&id=51&Itemid=78 http://aqua.ucdavis.edu/DatabaseRoot/pdf/ASAQ-C14.PDF There's hundreds if not thousands of studies and research by Universities, fishery biologists, etc. about pond management. In general, fisheries management applies to both large bodies of water (example would be oceans) as well as smaller private ponds. More forage = bigger fish or More forage = more fish. Example 1. A family of 5 eating enough food for a family of 10. There will be 5 overweight people. Exampe 2. A family of 10 eating food for a family of 5. Enough to stay alive but 10 very underfed people. Example 3. A family of 10 eating enough food for a family of 10. 10 average sized people. Slot limits are a fantastic option for creating a healthy population of fish as well as promotes trophy size fish.
  4. Anyone have opinions on P-Line Voltage (I currently use Yo-Zuri Hybrid and Ultrasoft)? Currently considering a switch to P-Line CX, CXX, or possibly the Voltage when I need to respool because there is a local fishing store (15 minutes walking distance) that doesn't stock Yo-Zuri (must travel 40 miles or order online for Hybrid and Ultrasoft).
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