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Everything posted by deep

  1. I assume by fishing, you imply bass-fishing. This is a really difficult question to answer, for me, even hypothetically. It'd be a toss-up between the following two. Setup #1: Rod: GGR medium, extra-heavy big bait rod, fast action Casting Length: 8 ft Reel: Brand/Model: Shimano Calcutta Size: 401TE Line: Berkley Big Game 30 lb test Setup #2: Rod: Powell Max 753 football jig rod, medium-heavy power, extra-fast action Casting Length: 7 ft 5 inches Reel: Brand/Model: Shimano Citica Size: 201D Line: Daiwa Samurai 55 lb test with 14-15 lb mono/ copoly/ fluoro leader
  2. To all those who recommended the rod; thanks a lot. It worked out great today. I hooked every fish I set the hook on, and landed everyone of them too. I was scared to set the hook real hard with my Powell Max; the Lightning I won't mind (a lot) if it breaks. In any case, I can get a few replacements through the Pure Fishing sponsorship program if I break it. Rod seems plenty powerful for my needs, light, and balances well with a Cabelas Prodigy A reel (used the Citica D today), and although sensitivity isn't really an issue with straight braid, it doesn't lack much in that department either. I also like how the taper is more of a moderate-fast nature than a true fast. Bub Tosh seems to like moderate action rods for punching. My only concern is how the guides will hold up to braid, but I use Samurai which is smoother than some other brands; and in any case if I damage the rod, I can get another one. Here's the first of the six tiny fish I caught this evening.
  3. My favorite(s) is(are) the ones that has caught more/ bigger fish.
  4. Grizzn, you could also check out Matt's tournament series swimbaits. They are soft plastic, around 6" and 2 ozs; comes in two rates of fall. Swims great at slow speeds, and what's very important for me, they don't roll over on the bottom. They are a little small for my liking personally, so I don't throw them as much as I should. You can match any hatch with these, since they come in all baitfish forms and shapes- bass, shad, catfish, shiner, trout and more! The fact that Matt is a super-cool and knowledgeable guy too doesn't hurt either!
  5. I'm using a Powell Max 753 (the Jared Lintner football jig rod) with a Citica 201d 7.0:1 spooled with 55 lb Samurai braid and leader. I mostly drag jigs in deep water, and pitch in shallower water occasionally. I've only fished jigs upto 3/4 oz on this, rod is rated for 1/4 to 1 oz jigs.
  6. Big bass eat (comparatively) little baitfish anywhere; at least that's the way I like to think (because I don't know any better) Both of these northern strains were caught earlier this year from a non trout-stocked reservoir. Unknown weight, but probably a 7+. 8" ROF5 hudd in rainbow. 8.25 lbs, 8" ROF5 hudd in hitch.
  7. Here's a little one- 3.75 pounds. 8" ROF5 hudd in hitch. Caught a few bigger than that one too. The one in my avatar went 8 lbs 6 ozs.
  8. I throw the skinny dipper as the trailer on 1/4 oz swim jigs. I haven't fished it on its own, or the little dipper.
  9. No idea about muskies. but the AC Plug and the MS Slammer too (I think) were originally striped bass baits. P.S. I'm assuming this is for an article? Contact Nate (the guy behind natesbaits). I'm pretty sure he fishes for muskies quite often, and he makes swimbaits for big bass. Pretty cool, no?
  10. Very easy. If it's a casting reel, the name should start with a "C". If it's spinning, the name should start with an "S"! Just kidding, never fished any of the 3, but I know which one I would have bought if I had the money.
  11. Good to see you here again Speed!
  12. .. and Bill Murphy too.
  13. I'm no expert with fluoros, but did you spool it on in the right direction?
  14. You're living quite the life Jeff! So jealous. Congrats.
  15. This might be useful. Use at your own risk though if you manage to catch a big fish. I'd hate to keep a big fish captive for any length of time more than absolutely necessary.
  16. Very cool Clayton!
  17. WTG guys. I'll be stoked to catch a 5 fish 10 lb limit in either of my two local puddles, so it's not shabby by my standards at all.
  18. Big-O, do you ever catch any small fish? LOL just messing around. Great looking bass as always!
  19. Yes, Steve P is Steve Pagliughi. He posts under the username "urban" on SBNation. Google "Wakebait Fishing The Time is Now" if you want to read the article I was thinking about.
  20. The regular size rage craw. It gives me a slower rate of fall. P.S. Try a baby brush hog someday. You might get a surprise.
  21. Big wakebaits. That's the (Steve P.'s) theory anyway.
  22. I don't even know how to flip, but lately I've been trying my hand at punching (from the bank). The gamakatsu heavy cover worm hook worked great; but the plastic keeper fell out/ got loose after a long day's worth of fishing. I've been trying the Trokar flipping hook the last two times, whose plastic keeper seems more sturdy. But I've been having a heck of a time actually hooking up with a fish with the Trokars...
  23. I'd use a live creek chub- sunfishes are just too cute to be used as bait. Or maybe, just maybe, an 8" ROF5 huddleston deluxe,
  24. Been busy lately learning to punch mats. If dinks are all I'm going to catch, I might as well catch them with a new technique.
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