When I start spooling, I center the line guide with the knot on the spool, which I tie at or near the middle of the spool. Seems to help.
#mono depends on the sort of abrasion resistance/ line visibility etc you'd like. I'd start with 12 or 14 lb test, and adjust from there, 6-7 feet should be a good starting point for the length. The point of using braid is taking advantage of it's no-stretch property, not its absolute strength. I doubt anyone's going to catch a 50 lb black bass anytime soon.
Albright knot seems to work well for me.
When punching/ flipping heavy grass etc, a leader is sometimes more of a liability than an advantage, Unless I'm punching (which I've started to do only very recently), I ALWAYS have a leader tied on if using braid mainline, no exceptions. The way I fish, it works well for me. You need to find your own preferences.
Hope that gives you a starting point. Good luck, and good fishing.