This is the dual of setting up a milk-run vs fishing a particular spot until your (big) fish decides to choose a particular offering. You can look at your topo map and find several spots that you believe have the ingredients (structure) to hold big fish, and visit them periodically thoroughout the day. Or you can camp out on one or two good spots (good as determined by your prior experiences on that fishery for that particular season) and fish all different kinds of baits to determine what the fish wants. Most of the time, I believe the fish were there on that spot, as evidenced by the follows I got. It's just that I couldn't give them what they really wanted.
I look at the issue of timing from a large scale, and a fine scale. On the large scale, I have my moon phases and the barometer trends. There is no question in my mind that on certain moon phases/ weather trends, I'm more likely to stick a big fish, compared to others. I sometimes (though not always) have the luxury of choosing the days I can be on the water. When I do, you can bet I pick the days I feel will be more productive for me. I might still get skunked, but big bass fishing is a game of playing the percentages. You pick the high percentage spots, and fish them with the high percentage baits, and if you have the chance, during the good times of the month.
If you're serious about catching bigger fish, start keeping notes about significant catches, and see if you can find a trend. Maybe there's one, maybe not; but something to do over the winter. If there aren't enough data points for 7# plus fish (I don't have that many), start including adult fish (4# plus). There is nothing accidental about sticking a big fish. You did something right when you made that happen, even if it was unintentional.
What has always confounded me is the deal about daily activity. Timing on a fine scale. Bill Murphy made a point about keeping an eye out for subtle changes in the weather while you're fishing. Some of my bigger catches corroborate this, some don't (probably I was fishing the wrong spot). Details matter when fishing for big fish, keeping your mind and your eyes open can help discern some of them.
The topic of moon phases and barometric trends have been beaten to death, but I would love to have a discussion about daily activity periods.