Help much appreciated fellas.
Seems like my options are either to buy a 50 size reels and upgrade it, or go with a true BFS reel. I'm not confident about the first route, plus I'm not sure how much cheaper that'll turn out.
The Aldebaran BFS XG looks good. I'll keep my eye out for one, and research the Daiwas too.
My 200 size Curados can handle true 1/4 oz baits just fine, and the last time I researched the Alphas 105, I think I found that the Alphas was a little more finessier, but not by much. Maybe I need to do some more reading.
I'm not sure if that was a subtle dig, but my casting skills are at best only slightly above average.
I do have a 7'6" M crankin stick I like a whole lot. It's kinda heavy (weight, not power), but that's all right considering I bought it for $50. Gets a lot of work with small jerkbaits, and lately, dropshots.