X2. When I can't catch a bass, I go for some bluegill
X3. Alot of truth in that T-shirt. Sometimes Ill go out and get skunked, get snagged, maybe lose a lure or two, end up frustrated, and just have a bad day overall. Then as Im heading back to the shore, Ill think "That was still more fun than almost anything else Id be doing." Plus I always try to take something away from every time out. Even if you didnt catch any fish, you still learned something, practiced your casting, tried different lure presentations, etc. Its definitely not time wasted.
Also, I fish out of a kayak and it makes things more fun in my opinion. Im not just fishing, Im also kayaking. If I get bored, frustrated, or whatever, Ill just paddle around, explore, and get some exercise. If Im on a nice long flowing river, sometimes I end up not fishing at all. Ill just paddle the river. ;D
Keep your head up, dont quit. If it was easy, it wouldnt be fun. Ever play the card game "solataire"? Ever notice how its kinda fun when your playing, then when you finally win, it sucks and its not fun anymore?
I guess my point is the challenge is what makes it fun.
Good luck.