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About kllrbee

  • Birthday 11/03/1974

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    IL-WI border

kllrbee's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Hey all, How do u guys go about finding out the water temp? I have one of those all in one thermometers (has compass, magnifying glass, etc) and I just put it in the water for about 30 seconds and see what it reads. Doesnt seem accurate though. What is the proper way to do this? Should I get a better thermometer or should anything be fine? How do I get it deeper (say 5, 10, 20 feet down)? Sorry for newb questions but this is only my 2nd year fishing so last year was trying to learn the extreme basics and this year will build on that. Thanks gents!
  2. Thanks alot for the replies guys! I think I may have made it sound as if I had no confidence, which is not the case. I just dont have a "go to" or "confidence" bait/lure.....yet. I understand that confidence is more than just the lure too. Much more to it than that. I just wanted to specifically ask about those though. I really enjoyed Crestliner response. I think what I may need to do is just go out with one type of lure instead of bringing the whole arsenal. That way, I can get familiar with it. At this point, I tend to try something out for a little while and if it doesnt produce, I just switch. Thats probly why I dont have much confidence in anything specifically. I dont give anything enough time. Anyways, I dont want to become a 1 trick pony either. But I need to learn somehow and if I dont bring the rest of the stuff with me, I wont be tempted to change. Also, I like what u said about just learning by experience. It seems everytime I go out, I try to learn something new. Tahts really what makes it alot of fun. I think I may feel "hurried" in a way, cuz Im 36 and just started, so I have alot of catching up and learning to do....LOL. I know this is the wrong way to think about it, but the truth is the truth. Thanks again for the help. I will have many more questions as time goes on.
  3. Hey all, I am a newb at bass fishing. Started last year and just tried to learn as I went along. Read alot and tried out alot of different things. I hear many experienced bass fisherman say that confidence is the key. While I understand what they mean, I think its easier said than done. Most say go to your confidence bait/lure. Well, how does a newbie establish a confidence lure? Waht I mean is last year, I tried out a whole bunch of stuff and while I caught fish on many of them, I felt like it was more right timing or where I was located than lure choice. I never felt absolutely confident in anything I used. So how did u guys gain confidence in your specific confidence lure? Fwiw, I like spinnerbait/buzzbaits and cranks cuz they give me somthing to do (just quit smoking so I like to have something to do with my hands). I like topwaters for night fishing and rain/drizzle. And I like TR curly tail worms for the lilly pads and weeds. Is that what is meant by confidence? Just going with what yo like? Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but I gotta learn somehow. Thanks everyone!
  4. Where are you in northern IL? Im in Lakemoor about 10 miles south of the chain. I fish out of a 12 ft Perception Caster and it is great. Very similar to the Native Manta ray. I rigged it all up myself with rod holders, Cuda FF, anchor trolley, bungees, better seat, etc. If u want to come check it out, Id be more than willing to let you take it out on the water and see how yu like it. I never see anyone around here in a yak, and I need a yak fishing buddy so come on over, try it out, then get one so we can be ready for spawn...LOL. Dont get the Ascend, you wont like it, trust me. There are too many things that seem out of place and its just not comfortable. Look on craigslist, or just fork over the money for something you will actually like. You need to be comfortable in it, cuz its not like a boat where you can get up and stretch your legs, etc. Hobie, Ocean, and that new Coosa are all great, but a little pricey. I love my Caster cuz I got a killer deal, it fits me just right, and I have it all rigged up exactly the way I want it. It definitley didnt come that way. But if I had to get a new one for some reason, Id go with the a Native Manta Ray or the Coosa. Pm me...
  5. Ok then, thanks guys. Ill get to work.
  6. Seriously? Even brand new? Why is that? Do they just gunk it up with too much grease from the factory? If so, would getting all that excess grease off and replacing it with a light layer give me smoother performance? Thanks
  7. Hey all, Just started using a baitcaster this past season. I usually doing a thorough cleaning of my spinning reels every year. I read somewhere that its really not as necessary to breakdown baitcasters for thorough cleaning. Is this true? Honestly at this pint they probly dont need it, but Im one of those people that like to tinker, so should I or shouldnt I? BTW, no saltwater and I already took out spool and did some basic oiling and cleaning. Thoughts for a baitcasting newbie?
  8. Thanks guys, So real slow or not at all. I thought it was about time the frogs were starting to hibernate, but wasnt 100% sure. Now I know. Thanks again. BTW, no offense to other guys around the country for not asking you, just figured this was a regional thing. ;D
  9. Hey guys, Im in northern IL. Im just wondering if you guys around the midwest (same kind of temps) are having problems catching with frogs. Is it too cold? I see frogs all over hopping around. Just curious, cuz I am having a real rough time with the froggie.
  10. Just went out now for about an hour with about same conditions as you, but air temps a little colder (50ish). Got a 3lb in very light drizzle and a dink in a little heavier rain, both on spro frog/popper (not black, but darkish colored). Worked the edges around 3 sets of lily pads. I will go out again after the rain to see how it goes, but in my limited experience, it hasnt been good after. Especially if a thunderstorm. good luck.
  11. I fish lakes 99% of the time so river is not really an issue. Ill try that 120 degrees positioning. That way I wont have the current slapping up against me and I can face into the wind. I thought it was kinda weird when I read that bass wont eat lures that come up behind them. But as ive been reading more and more stuff about bass fishing, I tend to stumble across some things that make me wonder, like this. thanks for the info.
  12. Hey guys, I have been encountering some very windy days lately on the kayak. I use an anchor, drift sock, or stakeout pole depending on where I am at on the lake. I have an anchor trolley set up from cockpit to stern so the waves arent crashing up against the side of my yak. The problem with this is that I am not facing into the wind. I did have the trolley set up from cockpit to bow, but I found that my line was getting caught up in the anchor rope, so I switched it to the stern. So is it true that the fish will face into the current (wind) and wont chase down a lure if it comes from behind? Do I need to switch it up and cast into the wind so Im retrieving while the fish are facing the lure? Also, can someone either explain or post a link of how changing weather conditions (coldfront, incoming storms, humidity, etc.) affect fish behavior? The temps here in northern IL have dropped to about 50 deg lately. I figured that the fish would be jumping at everything trying to fatten up for winter, but I cant buy a bite. BTW, this is my first year fishing so forgive what might seem like very basic questions. Thanks for all the help.
  13. X2. When I can't catch a bass, I go for some bluegill X3. Alot of truth in that T-shirt. Sometimes Ill go out and get skunked, get snagged, maybe lose a lure or two, end up frustrated, and just have a bad day overall. Then as Im heading back to the shore, Ill think "That was still more fun than almost anything else Id be doing." Plus I always try to take something away from every time out. Even if you didnt catch any fish, you still learned something, practiced your casting, tried different lure presentations, etc. Its definitely not time wasted. Also, I fish out of a kayak and it makes things more fun in my opinion. Im not just fishing, Im also kayaking. If I get bored, frustrated, or whatever, Ill just paddle around, explore, and get some exercise. If Im on a nice long flowing river, sometimes I end up not fishing at all. Ill just paddle the river. ;D Keep your head up, dont quit. If it was easy, it wouldnt be fun. Ever play the card game "solataire"? Ever notice how its kinda fun when your playing, then when you finally win, it sucks and its not fun anymore? I guess my point is the challenge is what makes it fun. Good luck.
  14. Hey thanks for the replies guys. Looks like Im going to go bigger on the hook. I appreciate the suggestions about the rod, but I think Im going to stick with the ML. This is my somewhat finesse setup so Id like to keep it that way. Plus I always feel like if I go heavier, Ill just tear a big ol hole in there. But if the hook dont work, then Ill go heavier. Funny thing, I just went out about an hour ago and used my UL rod with 4lb mono and #4 aberdeen and hooked up a 3lber. LOL. ;D Gotta love it!!! You never know what will happen!!! ;D
  15. Hey guys, Im having a hard time hooking up with a wacky rigged 4" senko. Getting lots of bites, but my hookup ratio is about 25%. Not good, lots of lost fish. Could you guys give me an idea of what I could do to improve? Im using a ML-F rod, #2 aberdeen hook, 6lb mono. Im letting them take it for a "one mississippe" before I set the hook. Then it seems like most of the time, the worm just comes flying right back to me. Any help is appreciated.
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