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Everything posted by BulletDon

  1. I like it, bring it on want to be able to get to the hawgs.
  2. Okay, whats the next lesson? Donnie
  3. Acme Mapper. How accurate is it? Anyone know? Just so long as it is within 50sq yards. I am good with that. Thanks, Donnie
  4. Anybody been to the Bend lately. I have not seen any reports?
  5. I dont understand when you mean "right away is actually what you are fishing"? Thanks
  6. Catt, How wide is the pipeline? Do you know if the pipeline is above or below ground?
  7. There are several good guides on Fork. Got to Texasfishingforum.com and search for "lake fork guide" Tom is a great guide. Cameron at lake fork tackle just caught a 14.4 yesterday with a guide named Kendrick. Several are well known, but you cannot go wrong with Tom.
  8. yep, i hear you about the wind on the big bend. I will be coming with some more questions oh mighty professor. On Acme Mapper, when a line is on either side of the the 150 line, does one know what the next depth level is? I know one is deeper and one is shallower, but it is not always easy to define that. Simple sense says that the line towards the river or creek would be the stair step down and the opposit would be the stairstep up. But what about the depth? Are they 10' increments or something else? I looked at a few other Texas lakes that I fish and they are not as detailed as Todeo. I wonder why? Any thoughts? Thanks, Donnie
  9. ahhh i believe we should leave those two alone they are horrible places to fish Okay let me know what the coordinates are so that I can stay away from them
  10. Catt, Housen: Starting at the river and going west, is that all 150, the darker line, even though it is not marked with 150? It is the same shade as the others that are 150. Thanks, Donnie
  11. I see what you mean. So the key here would be hit those areas that are closest to the creek channel Okay, I have two for you. The first: You have a norther, the first of the season, that the winds are high enough to forbid you from fishing the main lake, which I know you love. You are not going to let the day just go by. Where would you launch and spend your day to where you would be most successful. Either the TX or LA side. Second would be the same scenareio above but with the winds coming from th South. The seasons would play an important role in this so lets say late summer, early fall Sept - Nov. Why would you pick these areas over any other either north or south wind rank them them 1st thru 3 and if their is a tie of the top two, you still have to choose one over the other and what would ultimatley make your decision. Pen is out, plenty of paper ears are perked and I am ready to take notes Thanks, donnie
  12. Where is white oak located? I am having a hard time locating it on the map. Oh another question. The pro that you were refernecing earlier was it Tommy Martin or the Mud bug king (I cant remember his name?)
  13. nine miller - yes those are ledges Carrington, you got it
  14. Man Catt, you are up early. First I would like to know where those two brushpiles you spoke of in an earlier post that are on or near the pipeline 8-) Dissecting more of Six mile and Housen to start. Thanks
  15. Catt lets disect another area?
  16. I want a Minkota Talon. Awesome.
  17. Object is to catch Quality, not necessarily quantity, bit consistant and what guide on the lake.
  18. If we only new what we can't see or hear we would be in trouble.
  19. great article and works every time.
  20. a ledge can be andy sudden depth change after theirs a constant level for period. A sloping bank is not a ledge. you could be fishing a flat the size of a football field and and all of a sudden it drops suddenly by more tha 8 inches and continues at the new depth. Every time their is a change boom ledge. Our highland lakes like Travis and Bucannan and Belton have significant ledges. Be sitting in 15' and then you are in 60'. I try to fish right over them as much as possible, using a bait that I can control. Another tactic that I use is marking the edge with buoys. I have about six in my boat at one time and I have used up to 12 in the past (homemade). What I would do with my 1240a flasher is keep right on the edge of the ledge. The turn the boat 90 degrees to the shallow side and drop a bouy. I would do this for as long as my markers would let me about 20 yards apart. Give it 15 mins then fish the ledge in front of me while staying on the ledge with the boat. I can see the the line I need. Once fish were caught I would count the markers wher I was at and then graph the area to see why. Hope this helps
  21. Yes, but what percentage would bite and at what time after the release was it the greatest? :-?
  22. Thanks for the great site. I stumbled on it a couple of week ago and forgot to bookmark it. But I am back baby.
  23. Oh my god. I stumbled on this site about 3 weeks ago and forgot to book mark it. Then I asked from some help and some sent it to me. I have read all 63 pages and it has taking me over 3 days totaling about 6 hours. Praise is not enough for what everyone has done, especially Catt. There are specifically three people that have been consistent through, we all know Catt. However the other two are fishfordollars aka Jack and Wesley. I fish Toledo in the Mid 90's for about 2 years and will be back in September. I am soaking all of this up. Catt, Your knowledge and expertise of this lake is stunning, I am in awe. I would love to send you a recorder so that you can start and one end of the lake and go all the way around it and talk of your experiences and what you have found. Then break it down in pieces. My suspense hangs on every word that you type and say. From your consistent repeating of specific baits and your depth of fishing: 15' +-3 Fishing uphill Five rods and the baits associated with each. There is just so much information here it is unbelievable. I still have to read the other posts that you referenced via links. I will be down there mid Sept and would be honored to share my seat in my boat with you. I may have left some people off the praise list and if I did I do apologize, but the ones that kept sticking out over and over and over are Catt, fishfordollars aka Jack Wesley My hats off to you for wanting to pass on your knowledge for others. I have now book marked it as a favorite and will continue to view it daily. Sorry for the long post God Bless and Good fishing. Donnie
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