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Everything posted by BulletDon

  1. maybe from being on the water but not from catching fish.
  2. Well, paradise point was nice. Ramp is a little rough, but the stay was nice and the AC was cold. Needed it after this weekend. It was a beautiful weekend on the Bend. How often do you get a day on the water with little to no wind and you are able to go wherever you want? Let alone two days in a row. But Sat afternoon, it got hooooooot. I almost jumped in just to cool off, but the sun went behind some clouds and help. Well, it has been 15 years since I was on the bend. Saturday was tough for us. Now mind you we were doing a lot of scouting/searching. But productivity was not that great for Sat. Fished/searched from 7-6 and only had 5 fish to show for it. Not much grass up north, did not go past pendleton bridge. Lots of grass down south, housen and six mile. Did a little better on Sunday, fishing until noon. Fished Housen all monring on Sunday. Started out in the mouth of White Oak and then when back into housen. Caught 10 fish, with 4 being keepers and the biggest about 3lbs. Fishing grass line edges. I think with the water coming down like it is the fish are kinda confused. It should stabalize in the next few days and they should be more predictable or easier to find a pattern. The fish were all caught on palstics. Fluke Water/Red and Baby brush hog Watermerlon and wat/red. Depths were8-15ft. Fished the deeper water and no luck. Found a lot of drains/ditches that fed the creeks and river but no luck. It seemed that the majority of the fish we caught related to grass. That was difficult up north, because there was not much grass and of what there was was up next to the shore and we stay away from the shore 95% of the time. Missed you Tbendbassin. Would have loved to pick your brain some. All in all, it was a great trip. No mechanical issues, did not hit any stumps. I welcome any pointers or suggestions. I am confused! I will be back.
  3. we are here ;D Staying at the ponderosa
  4. Great! Are you camping or staying at one of the cottages?
  5. Heres my cell, ya'll give me a call. If I don't answer, good be service or running big engine. Be patient and I will call you back. 512 431 5977
  6. Sure has been quite. I will be down to the bend this weekend. Anyone going to be there? How about you Jack? Let me know and maybe we can hook up? We are staying at paradise point. Donnie
  7. Jack, You are the man....Good Info. How was Rayburn?
  8. Catt, When is this drawdown supposed to happen? If it does, what ramps, if any will be available?
  9. Sure has been quiet lately. How about another lesson Catt?
  10. It was really a piece of cake to be honest with you. If you have a little helper it would not take as long ;D. My sone was at his moms visiting the month of July. Here is the guy's websit: http://www.thetacklesmith.com/boatalarms.htm He was having a sale at the time. Looks like the install is $100 more. Tell him I sent you. His name is Shawn. I had parked my boat in the drive yesterday because my wifes alternator went you, so with her vehicle in the driveway, I could not back the boat in the garage. so I parked it out front and disconnected it. Turned the alarm on and I was going to run up to the auto parts store to get something and I thought you know I better take the graphs off. starting taking of th first one and I have a vibration sensor, it is set to light right now, because that thing went off and I had the pager in my pocket and it vibrated and the pager alarm went off. Works like it is supposed. Good Luck Donnie
  11. Thanks for the update. I installed a boat alarm with a remote pager. Best $200 I have spent. ;D
  12. thats when you want to go out there and dig you a good ditch for the future. Even if one had to dig it by hand.
  13. oh my gosh, that is unbeleivable. Thanks for the pics.
  14. holly crap jack, I know exactly where you are talking about. Fished that area back in the mid 90's and look, it is still producing. Fished a tourney and only had one bite all freaking day. 30 min left, came in on that point and 15min had just over 15 lbs with 5 - 7 casts. That place was always picky. The boat could be pointed directly towards land and you would catch maybe 3 fish. Fish it for 30 minutes and nothing. Fish it from another angle and immediately start catching again. You had to keep changing the direction of your presentation, not necessarily changing the bait. Thanks Jack you just brought back a memory. this is a type of area that you checked throughout the day because you did not know when they would bite. Mmmm Between Jack and Cat there is almost 60 years of experience.
  15. Great story Jack. What was the tackle shop?
  16. Great reads Catt, thanks for posting.
  17. Jack, My prayers out to you and your family. My parents went through the loss of my sister, their daughter about 14 years ago. I don't wish this on anyone. May your family continuously be blessed as the day approaches and passes. Donnie
  18. There you go, shows you what I know. I would have been fishing, not necessarily the wrong side, but more than likely not hte most productive side. Learning something everyday . Thanks Catt
  19. Been away for a while. Good to be back. Great info and insight from all. New area I like it; what do I see Mmmmmmm. Okay need to think like Catt. Time of year, previous lesson: Okay here goes: I see two different migration routes. One into Lows creek and the other into Dry Creek. Not ever been there, I would lean more towards Lows creek because of the depth change being more prevailing than the one going into Dry Creek, it is more of a flat. Can't pass up the ditch or drain that is on the southeast side though.
  20. Man, someone post something. :-[
  21. What is Trophy Country?
  22. now 4 need one more, come on lurkers, lets post a response. I don't want to beheld back. Cat is up around 4:30 in the morning. Lets give him something.
  23. Okay, theres 3 need 2 more.
  24. okay theres 2 need 3 more.
  25. I will step up to the plate. This is the type of class that I am talking about. We better get some responses, are I am going to have to have 5 different names ;D Okay here goes: I see a main lake point that is adjacent to a huge flat on the right. To the left of this point is another main lake point (correct or is it a secondary?). However this point is in the mouth of Hurricane Creek. Now to the right of the mark is an inverted finger (point). This performs a ditch that would allow the fish to move up and down either left or right. This ditch forms a ridge or ledge on the left or right that are close proximaty to one another. On could sit in this ditch and fish it in our out and either left or right. Sometimes called a highway for bass to move in and out. The same applies to the left of the point as well, just not as distinct or defined as the right. I also looked at the Hook n line map, while acme does not show the creek to the left of this point, the map does show a creek that feeds into Hausen Creek. Lake level at time of observation is 167.95, so that means it is 4 ft low and the 150 line would make it 18ft. I look forward to my grade. Thanks Catt, I love this type of class.
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