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Everything posted by BulletDon

  1. Last I looked there were 223 signed up and 104 anglers are from Texas. Lot's of hammers in that field for sure. Texas=104 47% OK=25 12% LA=21 10% So 68% of the field are from the 3 adjoining states
  2. great job nonetheless Bassfanatic
  3. anybody on the Bend this weekend? What was the water temp?
  4. Awesome, great job BF.
  5. Nice job June-bug
  6. TFTR mguidroz. keep after them. Looks like you all had a good stringer Saturday.
  7. Nice video Josh. Great job again.
  8. Awesome job, thanks for the report.
  9. Dang BF, cool weather, it is going to suck when you come back. LOL Shaneus, bought time you get back on the water, hows the place doing?
  10. yeah, love my Onix 10's as well. Do you have 360? I do on the TM, and it is invaluable. No more buoys
  11. Nice Job, yep just needed a few big bites
  12. Catt and everyone else. Whats happened to Acme Mapper? I have opened it up in chrome and explorer and cannot see the detail as I once did. Is there some type of setting that needs to be checked? Never mind, have to select TOPA, doh
  13. I will be there to toss my lures around this weekend. Hope to see you out there.
  14. Well, I just came back from Toledo this weekend and had my arse handed to me. Fished Mcgee flats, mill and ice box cove, texas islands, buck and indian creek. Never been so humiliated. Bass 1 - Donnie 0 Maybe next time.
  15. I will be up there this weekend. have a club tourney and we are going out of Indian Creek by the dam. Been awhile since I was on the bend, can't wait. On another note, any Humminbird users out there? If so, I have an 1199csi for sale $1,700, had 604 hours as of 1/15. Bought last year 2/27/14, I upgraded to the Onix. Just thought I would pass this along since I will be up that way this weekend if anyone is interested and would not have to pay for shipping. If interested give me a call at 512-431-5977. Comes with everything you need to start scanning. This unit was on my console. No GPS puck, has internal. I will be fishing out of my buddy's Ranger (red,black,white) this weekend with twin power poles. Stop by and say hello.
  16. Good luck, wish I was fishing the ben in BassChamps, but will in del rio for FLW. Good Luck another siteatic.
  17. yeah, and that would have won it for them right there. To bad we can't find out what they were doing, sure would like to know.
  18. Great finish on Rayburn for sure. Tough to beat 36 lbs, dang that was a sack for big Sam.
  19. Now TxGator, if it came with rayburn information, then you would not learn how to use the unit. But it is easy to use though and soon your screen will be filled with gps waypoints.
  20. I will do that. PM me your number again, I had to switch phones.
  21. Yep, fishing Basschamps Central, since I live over here. Might hit up one of the East tourney's, not sure yet. On another note. I do have 2 - 1199's for sale. I am upgrading to the Onix 10 touch screens. These were purchased 2/27/14. My units should be in towards the end of the month. If you are interested shoot me a pm. If you want them now they are $1800 ea, if you wait till mine come in they are $1700 ea. $500 non-refundable deposit will hold the unit.
  22. I confess, I have been doing the same thing as Shane, reading the emails and then not getting on here and posting. Rayburn can be picky and finicky for sure. A good si will help you find those brush piles. Just start scanning and have you a buoy marker ready, pop a way point, turn around, idle back by,drop a buoy and then use a 1 oz jig to confirm your finds. When I am search, I am not looking for bites, just piles that's all, as you do this, you will get more experienced with what a pile looks like and then will not need to test it. What's up Shane, give me shout and lets catch up.
  23. Hey everyone, been gone awhile. Been busy as a bee. Have to catch up on my reading.
  24. It was great to Fish big Sam again this weekend. Hooked up with Shane and his brother and we took her on and she was stingy and did not put out. Sunday was a little better for sure. If they can keep that lake constant, then I know what to do for sure, shallow flipping bite, probably my favorite way to fish.
  25. Saltyredneck, TFTR - you are giving good detailed information for all of us. Great job! Keep up the good work.
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