I bought an old 16' 1974 Trihaul from a guy a few of months ago. He gave me reciepts and documents for both the boat and trailer (No Title, which is not necessary on a boat that old). The problem that I have is that the faded registration that he gave me says non-transferrable on it and the NYS DMV would not accept it (The back is signed over by him).
Guy's phone is disconnected now and it's like he dropped off the face of the earth. I've tried all different ways to get ahold of him with no luck.
So my question to everyone is this, Is there a loophole or anyway at all that I can somehow get this thing registered so I can legally take it out on the water this year?
I'm at my wits end with this.
I've heard of auto brokers down south, in Alabama in particular, that will put together new documents for a fee. Any of you ever heard of such a thing?
Anyway, Thanks for the help.