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Everything posted by OHIO

  1. What kind of business do you run? Do your employees wear suits to work?
  2. It's a tie dude.
  3. It's probably a 97 Jetta based on his other posts. Why are you doing this?
  4. Is this you?
  5. I either say yup or no problem. I don't say you're welcome because I don't think it's that big of a deal to open a door for someone. Actually I do say you're welcome when someone doesn't say thank you. I get a little irritated at that.
  6. So you throw the can out and cast near it or what? I want to try this. Also, hot dogs work extremely well.
  7. I used to catch bluegill all the time by putting a little gum on the hook.
  8. Haha, those aren't what I would call traditional names. Honestly, if you want to name your kid that, go for it. I think it's a pretty cool name, but others may not.
  9. Spiderman
  10. I've always found taking supplements is kind of cheating, but that's just me.
  11. You can't really tell much from the pictures. If you need new wheel bearings, you should be able to hear them going out though. In that last picture, the CV shaft boot like it's ripped at the end. If that's the case, it's gonna fail pretty soon from dirt and dust gettin in their. You can replace the boot or the whole shaft, but I would opt for the entire shaft. If you can get your finger in their and feel the grease that would be a big help. If the grease is really gritty, it's time to replace.
  12. Yeah, the show was before my time, but that's what I've heard too.
  13. 21 Jump Street looks pretty good.
  14. American Reunion was funny. A lot of fine ladies in it too.
  15. OHIO


    Same here. It's probably some of the funniest stuff I've ever read.
  16. Anybody?
  17. No, but that doesn't mean it isn't true, http://www.snopes.com/critters/wild/duckecho.asp
  18. A duck quack echoes.
  19. $16.50 a ticket and you have to pay for parking? That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
  20. You can get a decent Civic for that price.
  21. That's a nice lookin truck, but that paint is ugly as hell. At least it isn't a Chevy though.
  22. OHIO

    One Question

    Yeah it's happened in real life, but not looking on the internet.
  23. I've seen a lot of posts that say, "Oh, you made me spew coffee out my nose because I was laughing so hard," or something along those lines. Do you guys who say things like this actually do it or is it just another way of saying that that was really funny? I my self have never laughed so hard at something on the internet that it made me spew my drink everywhere.
  24. Your mom thinks that you don't know enough about it to be good at it? Does she know what schooling is for? No one goes to college knowing everything about what they want to do.
  25. I bet, but I don't live near anyone that likes soccer. I guess I'll stick to football.
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