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Everything posted by OHIO

  1. Too bad alcohol doesn't kill brain cells. Other than that, it was a funny joke.
  2. Haha that dog's face is hilarious. It's like he thinks he's real tough or somethin.
  3. Go to school. Man, I wish I had a good job.
  4. That's what I like to hear.
  5. Similar story except no mice. We have a dog door on our garage and raccoons are always coming in and eating my dogs food. One night about a year ago I heard a loud bang in the garage. I thought someone was breaking in, so I went out the front door and around to the garage. My adrenaline was pumpin and I was ready to start swingin at whoever I saw. I felt like the biggest idiot when I saw the raccoon in their chowin down on some dog food.
  6. Never heard of a Bentley manual, but if they're 50 bucks, I bet they're pretty good. I don't know much about Volkswagons. Is the serpentine belt the belt around the pulley or no?
  7. Did you remove the lines that go to it? Also I would get a Chilton's manual if I were you.
  8. I have a French Mastiff mixed with a Doberman Pinscher, named Rufus. Couldn't really ask for a better dog.
  9. OHIO

    Used Cars

    Don't get me wrong, I love Ford, but they did take bailout money.
  10. OHIO

    Used Cars

    What area do you live in? I'm sure that some of us would help find some good used cars for you to look at.
  11. This is one instance. I'm not saying it's more likely that you will have problems, but there is a chance.
  12. There is a chance you could. If there are any leaks in the system, they could have been plugged up with the conventional oil sludge. When you put synthetic in there, it'll break that stuff down and open up the leaks. This of course only happens if there were leaks to begin with, so I wouldn't be too worried about it. If you buy used, you should ask what kind of oil was in it when you bought it. How could you tell it was conventional oil in the first place?
  13. OHIO

    Used Cars

    You aren't gonna find too many big SUVs that get good gas mileage. You could get an Explorer or Mountaineer. They're big and get decent gas mileage for their size. I've got a couple family members who have Highlanders and they like them a lot. You can easily get 25 mpg and they aren't small. Why do you need third row seating?
  14. OHIO

    Auto ?

    If you don't wanna drive five hours to fix it. Don't fix it. Just drive five over everywhere you go.
  15. OHIO

    Taco Recipe

    Yes. Or go to Taco Bell and get their Dorito Taco. If I'm making them at home, I just use the seasoning that comes out of the package. Then I POUR Frank's Red Hot on it and maybe a lime.
  16. Oh you didn't offend me at all. Even though I am a broke college kid, I hate the stuff. Busch is where it's at.
  17. It was meant as a joke, but ok.
  18. How has nobody said Nati Light?
  19. So you're basically saying that this new system is designed to give out more warnings and to get us banned faster. I think I got it now.
  20. You sure are acting like it.
  21. So you must like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga right?
  22. Haha exactly what I was thinking.
  23. True. It would be a lot different if I interviewed with owners, but I never have. It's usually managers who think they run the show and whatever they say goes.
  24. You sound like a good interviewer. Too bad there aren't more with the same outlook as you.
  25. I'm not sure if I agree with that. If I'm applying for a job as a mechanic, I'm not gonna wear a suit. I think that's a little overkill. This is just my opinion though and I really don't have any room to talk since I have never interviewed someone. Would you say you look down upon someone who wears a polo over a suit? If two people have the exact same credentials, but one was wearing a suit, would you hire them? Just wondering.
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