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00 mod

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  1. 00 mod


    Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  2. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  3. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  4. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  5. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  6. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  7. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  8. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  9. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  10. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  11. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  12. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  13. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  14. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  15. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  16. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  17. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  18. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  19. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  20. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  21. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  22. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  23. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  24. 00 mod

    Over under

    What if there are 3 ducks? Or 2 and 1 you don't drop with 1 shot? Wouldn't you like that 3rd shot to drop it? Just playing the devils advocate here, as I was in this same predicament before the start of his season and am VERY glad I went with a pump instead of O/U. Jeff
  25. 00 mod

    Over under

    Just my opinion, but as a former competitive sporting clays shooter and now duck hunter, you are putting WAY too much thought into it. Use the choke you want for the furthest shots, and just do your job on the closer ducks. People get way to caught up in chokes and shells. Just do your part! Also with a pump or auto you get that third shot! Jeff
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