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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. Im new here, and actually found this site by looking for ideas on how to do this project... I've grown up fishing with my dad, and after not fishing for several years, ok maybe 10, i've decided to get back in it! A couple years ago I ran across this deal on a 1974 Polarkraft 1436 jon boat and trailer for $350...so I jumped on it. Have taken it out a couple times over the last 3 or so years, and it's just hard to fish out of with the bench seats, no casting deck, trolling motor on the transom, and to be honest a little tipsy standing so high on the bench seats. I've decided to remove bench seats, put full decking in bottom and mount bass style seats with pedestals. Oh yea and move the trolling motor to the front. So over the next few weeks I will be adding pictures to this thread and keep everyone up to date on how its going.... Started today with the removal of the bench seats... ***PS- before anyone jumps my case, I will use this boat in smaller ponds (5-35 acres) and electric only reservoirs around the area... I have done research and know that taking the foam seats out can allow the boat to twist under a gas motor, and also the chances of the boat swamping under bad conditions, but as I have stated this boat will see neither of those conditions...***
  2. Thanks for the warm welcomes! I am about to start a jon boat build, and I will be sure to post updates and pictures along the way! (once I can post pictures here..lol) Jeff PS- If there is anyone around the Memphis area looking for a fishing buddy, ill gladly cast from the back of a boat! lol
  3. hey bassin901...tell me a little more about poplar tree? thinkin about fishing it some as its not too far from the house here either...got any tips on lures/good spots? Jeff
  4. hello fellow memphians....new here and wondering where the hot spots are right now! Jeff
  5. Hello all! From Memphis Tn and been bass fishin my whole life! Just found this board while searching for new places to fish around home! Big Bass if the year so far.... edit: ok well after 10 posts ill put up the picture! LOL
  6. 00 mod

    00 mod

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