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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. This is gonna be a long one, so bear with me..... Alright guys, its pretty much like this! Sponsors are looking to sell their product. They could really care less about what you have accomplished. I know from a fact, because I started racing go karts at the age of 8. At the age of 18 I had no corporate sponsors only businesses owned by friends of the family, or people who wanted to see a smile on a little kids face! I was receiving somewhere in the neighborhood of $2500 a year! Let me tell you, this is a LONG way from truly being sponsored. My father(until the time I was 15 and could work) paid for everything for my racing from tires, engines, bodies ect. At the age of 19, I had saved enough money to purchase the next step in my racing career. I bought a 4 yr old(which I might add was EXTREMELY out of date, as you could update a race car every 6 months) Larry Shaw IMCA. At the time I could not afford an engine, so I found a local ex-racer who had a spare engine left over sitting in his garage! He was a very nice gentleman and even though the trade was not equal( I got the better end of the deal), I traded my 1981 Chevrolet K-5 Blazer with a rebuilt 350 for his race engine that was complete minus a carb, and the misc. parts needed to fab in into my chassis. At the time this was the most help I had gotten towards racing, and It got me onto the track my first year, which otherwise wouldn't have happened due to lack of funds! The only other help I received the first year was $100 off having a body hung on my car by another local racer here in town! Rays Auto Body and Collision Center The only thing I was asked to do in return for their help was to bring my car out to their "Car Show Day", which was a day that all of their race cars were on display in front of their shop for customers, kids, and just general onlookers to stop by, ask questions, grab a free bite to eat, and generally promote their business! Without being asked, I detailed my car better than it had ever been before and took it upon myself to go to Walmart and buy some photo printing paper for my at home printer(cost me less than $20). I used up all of my ink printing pictures of my car(the one above) to hand out to kids! It was the hit of the car show and went a long way with my sponsor, as you will see. Shortly after I realized to be able to travel more and get my name out and represent my one sponsor better, I needed to get a larger truck to be on the road! A local auto lot had a very slightly used dually for sale so I tried my hand again! I struck a deal with the owner to trade in my current truck and sell me the dually (considerably more than my truck was worth) for the same money! In return I would run his add on the primo spot on my car and send anyone at the track looking to upgrade to him! I'm not sure if it was luck or fate, but 2 other drivers had truck problems that season and both purchased a vehicle from City Fleet Sales upon my suggestion! Over the winter, I realized I needed to update my car, so with a little experience and a lot of determination, I sold myself, and what I could do for a couple more companies and picked up my first corporate sponsor, along with a couple others. With new equipment comes heartbreak.... We couldn't get the new car to get around the track to save our lives, but having seasoned racers as a sponsor/friend helped! We quickly sold that car and built a brand new Shaw! As you can see I picked up some corporate sponsors by this time in the form of a couple major liquor brands! I went on to race for touring series' as well as big money shows throughout the southern half of the United States! I had a blast, met a ton of great people, and have done things most people my age haven't! I don't know if anything I have said here will help anyone to gain sponsorship, but I will add a few more points of help that are KEYS to your success: * Always go above and beyond what is asked of you * Never promise anything you cannot keep * Never shoot yourself in the foot for the smallest of sponsors * The key to maintaining a corporate sponsorship is having a good working relationship with the company, holding your end of the bargain, and then doing more * I actually got a sponsor at one of the biggest races of the year...wanna know how! I had flipped completely totaling my primary car and a gentleman came up to me being very sarcastic asking how I was able to maintain such great sponsors when I can't even make it into the race. I shrugged it off as professionally as I could. Later that evening I was sitting in the pit stands and the same gentleman was close by! I heard him asking several people what the best part of the race night was , and 3 of the 4 people said something to the effect of "Man did you see that car go flipping down the back straightaway?" 2 of the 3 could name my 4 major sponsors because the track announcer had talked for some time about my great sponsors how I was going to need to call them up to get more money for a new car! That gentleman came down to my pit the next night and handed me $1000 and said, "Its not always the winner that gets the most attention is it? I wanna be recognized!" That was the coolest way I ever obtained a sponsor! The guy asked my to put his name on the bottom of my floorpan! HAHA. In other words he didn't want to be recognized, he wanted to help out in my efforts! If anyone has any other questions about how I obtained my sponsors and kept them, feel free to ask or pm me! I no longer race and try to fish as much as I can to occupy my time! Here are some more pictures for your viewing pleasure! Jeff a.k.a 00 mod (our cars are call modified for short) The last year I raced was without sponsors as the economy had declined and it took all of the winnings I had saved up to finish the year and sadly I have sold everything I had for racing except my suit and helmet, just in case I get a call to drive for someone! ;D
  2. Dr. Watson I have fished several times with RoadWarrior and he is a VERY knowledgeable fisherman who will take you to some of his spots and show you around, as long as you practice catch and release and clean fishing habits! I have been to 2 of his spots, and caught fish at both! Looking forward to getting back to fishing with him, but last week I was out of town and this week I am heading up towards Nashville to do some fishing! Jeff
  3. If you have a boat, glen springs! same kind of deal as herb parsons though! There are more here that will chime in, but this is a rough time of the year to catch bass as well! We just had a streak of 72 days i think with temps above 90! Early morning bite is best, between 5:30 and 8ish! Jeff
  4. I'd probably be in! Just depends on where and when! I dont have a big water boat, just a john, so I would need a ride too! I could probably convince bassin901 to bring his boat and we would fish together! Jeff
  5. The easiest way to get Jack off the reel is to use a Betty!
  6. Just curious what rods and reels do you use for what lure? Not brands but what reel ratio and rod length/weight? Should be interesting to see all of the different preferences! Jeff.
  7. I wanna see how you are catching those as well!! Im free whenever you are! Jeff
  8. I am currently installing a minn kota 55 foot control on my jon and to where the middle seat was, i couldnt reach! JMO
  9. tinboats.net also keep in mind that the foot controls on a tm arent long enough usually to reach to center bench in jon boat! Jeff
  10. Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn. ~Chuck Clark that's why its called fishing and not catching ~ UNKNOWN
  11. sounds like a plan! If anything comes up I'll give you a call! Jeff
  12. Ive been fishing with both Kent(roadwarrior) and Patrick (bassin901) and they are both GREAT guys with great spots! Would love to meet some more people from the Memphis area as well as continue fishing with my Memphis Buddies! Jeff PS> I think I'm gonna want to fish sunday morning..any takers? kent? patrick? call me!
  13. To answer a couple questions.... Tow vehicle is a 2008 Tundra, so obviously no problem towing whatever I want! Mostly smaller lakes, but want to venture to some bigger lakes, thus the reason for a bigger boat!(only have a jon for now) wanted to get out for 15 or less.....therefore the options are limited to used pretty much for glass, and I'm not sure I want a used boat! I hate having to babysit the trolling motor, and the tins riding much higher out of the water is a concern, but at the same time, can get shallower in the tin.....hmmm Not much to any bottom contact as I will fish 95% lakes not rivers! Maybe a trip to the Tennessee when I get hooked on smallies by a good friend! Not super concerned about the 2nd console, as the boat will be smaller and quite frankly I dont need to go 70 in a bass boat..... 2 vs 4 is my main toss up right now other than glass vs tin... can get a bigger 2 for less money than a smaller 4 but I like the eco friendliness of the 4, quieter/smoother running 4, but the price and weight of a 2????? HELP PLease more comments on the 2 vs 4 and glass vs tin... Jeff
  14. fiberglass vs aluminum.... Pros and cons Dual consoles Pros vs cons 2 stroke vs 4 stroke pros vs cons I have opinions on all, but would like to hear others input as well. Also for the 16-18 foot boat range what size trolling motor and what size outboard would you think as a minumun? Jeff
  15. well definitely no fish/ski combo boat.....learned my lesson with that with my dads fish/ski hydrasport.... Looking new at: stratos 176xt but for 15 can only get yamaha 50ltr nitro x-5 (hopefully get a last years model clearance) tracker 190tx or tournament v18 g3 eagle 180 lowe stinger modv 170 and used: would love to find a great deal on a used Ranger!!!
  16. If you were planning on buying a new boat within the coming year, and you were in this predicament? What would you do? Fish for primarily Bass, but sometimes bream/crappie mostly smaller waters(<200 acres), but would love to venture out to some bigger lakes( 1000+) want enough room for 2 people to fish comfortably and have a console. want to be able to let the other half have enough room to layout once she gets tired of fishing, and also room to bring the dog (75 lbs) plenty of storage, and live-well, even though I rarely keep fish. leaning towards fiberglass over aluminum but would consider both! **hold resale value and or trade in value as I'm likely to get hooked and want that d**n Ranger before too long** situation 1. You had $10,000 to spend and want it to go straight to the lake situation 2. You had a couple thousand bucks and wouldn't mind financing a new boat up to around $18000 Let me know what you would do and what you would consider. Jeff
  17. aww.....only 30? Poor guys! Wish ya'll could have had a better weekend!
  18. Congrats to the both of ya! Is that the other deep pond in Collierville? Looks like some nice fish! I dont have another shoot for a month or so, so Sunday mornings are back open for me! Jeff
  19. Ron, I believe Kent told me that you were the one who caught it last year when it weighted 6'3....so yes! Jeff
  20. hook set is a little far out to come with ya, but I'm not!!! ;D
  21. Big Bill I'm not sure where you are from, but if live bait(shiners) are legal, and you see these "big fish" chasing bait fish, why wouldn't you try fishing with what they are chasing! Of course not bluegill but shiners..... Jeff PS> post pictures when you catch one
  22. so it is the same spot then huh? what did you catch yours on? and about what time of the afternoon? Jeff
  23. Whose calling who bald. Lol. If I do I will be sure to say hello.
  24. awesome! Somehting you will remember for the rest of your life! Jeff
  25. DAng am I upset I couldn't take you up on the offer this am. Looks like you figured something out you hadn't before. Pm or call me the next time you are gonna go out and I'll try to make it again! Looking forward to the story! Jeff
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