Ok so I met up with Road Warrior again for our normal Sunday fishing trips! We decided to try a different spot than we have ever fished before and after about an hour and only one dink we decided to jump in the truck and head to a different pond! A little Sunday morning pond hopping!
We decided to split off and fish different banks. First cast to where Kent said he hadn't caught a fish all year and Bam, bout a 1-1.5 lber.(my fav worm) Nice start, but we wanted bigger! After fishing down his entire bank and catching a nice 4lber(megastrike mega-bug), Kent fished his way back around towards me where I hadn't had another bite, but was furiously fishing "the hole" where Kent had landed a 5lber and a 7-8lber earlier in the week! I had switched off to a Rage Tail Rage Hog Summercraw. About 10 more mins, as Kent and I were talking BAM, there she was my PB on the end of my line. She surfaces for us to realize it WAS her!!!!!! Kent reels in and sets his pole down to help me land her, but at that instant, my hook comes dislodged and flying back at me! GRRR! I slam my rod into the ground like an idiot, and then put my hook back in the Rage Hog and threw back in! Kent responds with a, "You usually only get one shot at a fish that size!" We fish a couple more casts, and Kent throws his lure into the hole as we chat some more! About 4 casts later, bam I set the hook, and the fish flashes for me to realize its not her, but a nice fish nonetheless. Just as had happened before, here comes my hook/lure shooting back at me! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I ask Kent, "what the HE**?" He says check your hook! I lightly set it onto my thumb nail, which it proceeded to puncture with no problem? HMM, maybe just not getting good bites, or????? So about 2 casts later Bam, and I land what I think was the second fish that struck and I missed, about a 4.5-5lber(Kent agreeds)! Pic doesn't do justice to the size as I was holding her at an angle not to see her belly!
Needless to say, I will be fishing for that fish until I catch her, everyday for the next.........GRRRR!! I had dreams about her last night.....