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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. OK I know im gonna get ragged on this one, but we have 2 fridges! One for just drinks and one for the rest! Also for a min I thought Glenn and I had the same fridge, but different ice makers! Ours is a Samsung!
  2. In Memphis, we have regulations where it makes it hard(expensive) for the smaller breweries to distribute, but we still have a good selection! In our store, we can only carry 6% or higher, as technically (to the state on Tennessee anyways) they are considered barley wines! If anyone is making the Roadtrip and wants to try some good beer, let me know and I will get a list together of what we can get and bring some of the hard to find stuff for some of you guys, especially if the same is reciprocated! Jeff
  3. hmmmm....sooo many decisions!!
  4. http://www.***.com/Shimano_Stradic_FI_Spinning_Reels/descpage-SSTFI.html Here's my choice, and If you look online, and shop around you can get one for $123 http://cgi.ebay.com/Shimano-Stradic-ST-2500FI-Spinning-Reel-2500-FI-NEW-/270655665352?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0455b4c8
  5. ok, I know yall are gonna think I'm crazy, but I have around 6250 rds for 12 ga shotgun and 9+1 in my pistol! Other than that, I probably dont have any other ammo in my house!
  6. RW was throwing a popper
  7. I'll be the first to say " count me in". And I might have a connection to provide some refreshments!!!!! Jeff
  8. Nate that picture is beautiful!
  9. 00 mod


    LSU still has another loss coming! GO HOGS!!!!
  10. I use white on white! Sometimes I might throw white! But then again, I'm partial to white!
  11. 00 mod


    I'm thinking something is gonna come of this very soon! The NCAA has been investigating this since January. I'm sure they don't want to have another incident where a team goes undefeated and then wins the NC and get it stripped after its all over. And they surely don't want to have to strip another Heisman! Jeff
  12. I feel as if I just wasted 30 seconds of my life! Cause I only listened to the first 15 seconds of each of those horrible excuses for music!
  13. I wish ya'll would stop talking about my wife like that (Taylor Swift)! LOL Yes she is hot! But a little young too! Also< I am a country fan, and I like real country....tell me if this doesn't remind you of a young George... He's young and real country!
  14. Lots of fishing to be done in Hawaii!!
  15. rage tail baby craw!!
  16. If the trip takes longer than 5 hrs by car, Im flying! When its your time to go, its your time to go. No need stressing over it! Its all up to the big man upstairs! Jeff
  17. < super jealous!! OK well now I just wanna come catch the HOG trout you are catching!
  18. OK well I wanna catch some of those browns! LOL! And some of those very dark rainbows! Never caught a rainbow that dark! All of ours are silver/gray!
  19. J- they look like these to me... PS> WOW thats a huge brown for a first! I"m still waiting on one that big! Lost one probably that big, but the only time I've even hooked up with one that size! Mine was probably in the 7-8lb range
  20. J, those certainly look like Brown trout to me! What do you think they are? Jeff
  21. dang fourbizz, I wanna catch some of those big browns!
  22. 2 pictures from Friday's fishing trip! Taken with my Iphone as we were on a plastic 2 man boat and I wasn't about to take my good camera, as last time we went out, I had to buy my fishing buddy a new rod and reel as I sent his overboard....
  23. No particular order but 10+lb Largemouth 8+lb Smallmouth Alaskan Salmon South American Peacock 600+lb marlin 175+lb sailfish 300+lb shark(preferably off the Great Barrier) And to do the same for my son (not yet born)
  24. For sure! Im always up for fishin!
  25. wish I would have seen this sooner! Jeff
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