OK! I have my pictures of takes and puts! Im pretty sure I'm putting much more than the takes! I'm not sure this intended to be this way, But this should not be a "take whats good and dump your junk in this box!" I have included some things that there were NONE of in this box for the rest of the people! There were 0 swim baits of any kind(minus flukes which i consider more of a soft jerkbait) I put in some of my favorite "less expensive" swimbaits! I use these 10:1 of the more expensive ones as I dont like loosing a $20 bait! There are a dozen 4" swimbaits, 8 3'' swimbaits and then another bag of 8 or so mixed swimbaits! Also I included a bag of Megastrike's new swimbaits, a bag of flukes, a bag of coffee tubes, a bag of chigger craws and a plano terminal tackle storage box!
My takes were 5 used crankbaits, deeper divers!
All of the products I places were BRAND NEW and never used! Some packs did have one or two missing... but mostly full! I hope that the remaining members on here can use what I have placed in here! Every lure I placed have caught me numerous fish and most have caught 4+ lb fish!
I will try and get the package out this afternoon! Good luck to all, and I hope everyone catches many fish this year!