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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. Nice Fish! Should have weighted that baby! Looks more like 6+ to me! Good to get out and catch your first "real bass" Jeff
  2. AWESOME!!! Wish I could make it down there for a bag like that! Keep up the good work! Jeff
  3. Must be you, cause I even just went back and looked and its not doing it with mine! jeff
  4. I would second the st croix lts. I just it a legend elite and it's NICE
  5. If I had to choose just one series of rods for everything, it would be St. Croix Avid. That being said, I do have a budget! I mean if I had no budget it might be Loomis NRX for everything....
  6. links dont work.....
  7. It was a Honda. She was traveling 40-45 mph through and intersection when the other person ran the red-light. She never even saw the other person. The other truck flipped. We don't know how she is doing? Thanks for all of the thoughts and wishes. Catch a good one for me! Jeff
  8. After a bad car accident last weekend, my fiance is doing better, but not well enough for me to make it to the road trip this year! She is doing much better, but not well enough for me to leave her for 7 days without being able to drive herself, or for that matter really take care of herself.... Hope everyone has a great time, and I will for sure make the next one, baring some kind of disaster! Jeff
  9. I would use the 50e because of the lower profile...just me though! Jeff
  10. Welcome to BR!! Look forward to many great articles. Jeff
  11. I kinda noticed it when I caught it, and then it was pointed out to me when I showed a picture. If you look at this link, there are 2 pictures where you can see it. One looks like what you are talking about with "raker" but you can definitely tel it is on the gills as well if you look close, Jeff
  12. Is it something that will kill the bass or spread to other fish?
  13. Nope, actually on the red of the gills there is white! It can be seen good in this picture and one other one i have, but i'm not good at editing photos to blow it up bigger! jeff
  14. Not something I am used to seeing, but was pointed out to me on a bass I caught. Anyone know why/what? Jeff
  15. Upon further review of the first and last picture, there is alot of white on the gill plates of this bass? Anyone know what,why???? Jeff
  16. Topwater for sure. But it could have just been one of those days as well. Anytime you see action on the top, ALWAYS try topwater......but this is coming from a topwater addict. Lol Jeff
  17. Ok, I have a local connection on wine, so I will do my part to pitch in! Can't wait...its gonna be a blast! Jeff
  18. One of em is one my lipless rod and the other is on my lightweight jig rod. Jeff
  19. awesome day! I tend to like a little wind, but not as strong as what ya'll were dealing with! Flat calm is only good first thing in the morning and right before dark! Other than that, just enough to ripple the top of the water is what I prefer! Jeff
  20. You can add 00 mod to it, and need any help with the wine? Jeff
  21. Jig all the way, but last week I caught my new PB on a reaction innovation sweet beaver pitching it into buck brush! Check here for the thread... Jeff
  22. Stopped by the taxidermist yesterday to put down a deposit and drop off pictures....... Now the LONG wait! Jeff
  23. Man those are sweet. Looks like a ton of fun and some sore ribs I'd love to have. Jeff
  24. well there you go...first hand experience! Plus it will be much more fun of a fight on lighter equipment! Jeff
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