Went out to "Pond X" this morning to see what we could do! Started off throwing topwater and on my first cast caught a dink. Thought hmmmm....this is gonna be a great day! Well turns out its was a great day for dinks with only one picture fish weighing 5 lb 1 oz. We did manage to catch about 4 in the 3-3.5 range all on soft plastics. I'd say we probably caught in the range of 30-40 bass today, but 25 of those were under 12''. we've been on em pretty good in the last couple of weeks, and we didn't do anything different today, other than throw the kitchen sink at em, trying to find size. I'm not sure if the big rain Friday and then cooler days to follow had anything to do with it, but it was full moon last night and I was sure we'd burn em down! Maybe we were too confident?? Well anyways, here is the devil's horse fish! Caught her about 15 min. in right over the top of some submerged buck brush in about 5.5 foot of water! Also, the background isnt blurred out, nor is that the sun! Its was THAT foggy this morning over the pond!!