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00 mod

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  1. The reels were shimanos, and I have the tip that broke off at work, so Monday I can take a picture of the rollers for better examination! I am pretty sure the fish was lost due to shoddy equipment, but what can you do? Show up and go fishing..... The marlin that was landed was tagged, revived and released. The reason the captain and mate wanted to bring this fish back to have it weighed was that the Island record for a blue marlin is 834 lbs, and both captain and mate thought this would be the new Island record! Not only would it have needed to be brought back for official weight, but the Government would have given us a free mount of it, as they would have made one of their own for the Airport(which is where the current record is on display). Also, in such poor countries, it is more common to bring back even game fish, that you and I would absolutely release to feed whole towns and villages! Most of the country of St Lucia is VERY poor, and they eat whatever fish they catch! I normally donate my catches when out of the country to the local feed the hungry(except the Jamaica marlin) and they are always VERY happy for that! After being weighed and photographed, the fish surely would have fed hundreds of people in the fishing community we went out of! They say there is only one time of the year that people don't starve and that is when the mangoes are in season! Thats a very hard thing for fortunate people like us to understand!! Jeff
  2. GREAT story and kudos to you for getting another youngster hooked!!! Jeff
  3. Looks like shoddy equipment to me! Even though website says top of the line equipment!! Jeff
  4. I'm not sure. I kept the tip that broke off and it appears to be wood. Not adequate equipment if you ask me. Especially for a paid trip. I will take pictures in the morning and post for thoughts. Jeff
  5. Just returned from 2 weeks of Marriage/Honeymoon/Fishing... Married in Negril Jamaica, and honeymooned in Castries St Lucia! While staying in Jamaica we decided to head out for a little 6 hr trip spur of the moment off the coast of negril. While trolling in around 4000 feet of water we get bit and the drag started screaming. After what seemed like 5 minutes of drag screaming, which was really about 300 yards of line, in the distance we see what we had hooked. A big, beautiful Blue Marlin jumping off in the distance. Needless to say, this is one of my " bucket list" fish and I was really excited. Because I was the groom they let me jump in the chair for the rodeo. After about 40 mins of grueling action, we began to see a blue reflection starting to come up. At first we thought it was a monster because most of the time smaller marlin jump and put on great shows while coming to the boat, and the bigger ones act like this and stay deep. Once we finally got it to the boat unhooked it, tagged it, got a couple of pictures, and successfully released it back to the deep blue ocean. It was a trip and fish I will NEVER forget. It was the only fish and bite of the day, but I wouldn't trade it for anything because it was so special to me. This was my 3rd time marlin fishing, 2nd hook up and first one landed. Estimated to be 7 ft and around 150 lbs, the tag will be registered in my name and if ever caught again, updates will be sent to me! Next up was the honeymoon trip St Lucia was amazing, and my new wife and I got a chance to get out on the water last Friday for a day of fishing that we will NEVER forget. Within about 15 mins of leaving the dock we get our first bite and I put her in the chair! Turns out to be a little Barracuda, but still, we wouldn't get skunked on this day! She reels it in, and we re-rig the spread. About another 30-40 mins and we hear the line screaming again. This time, the couple we invited to go with us, Matt and Amber, are up. Matt jumps in the chair and fights a decent size Wahoo to the boat in about 5 mins. Sounds like dinner for the night to me! By this time it is about 9 am and we are heading out over the deep ridge that goes from 350 ft to over 3000. My new Wife is starting to get a little sea sick as the ocean rolls from 2-3 footers to now 6-8 footers so I ask the captain to head back to the first ridge and settle that I may not catch another Marlin on this trip.... About 30 mins trip back to the ridge and all of the sudden we hear drag SCREAMING, for about 20 seconds and then nothing...... And as we start to reel that line in to check the bait I see a HUGE marlin come back and nail it. Captain, first mate and everyone else on board start screaming and I jump in the chair. Everyone else is reeling the other lines in as fast as they can. After all of the other lines are in the first mate looks at me and tells me I am in for a long battle! After the previous week, I was pretty sure within the hour we would be tagging, taking pictures and releasing my second Marlin within one week...... After 30 mins of fight, I relinquish the rod to Matt who has a go for the next HOUR!!!! Then I join back in the fight for what seemed like an eternity, and upon getting out, I ask the captain how long it was and he told me 1.5 hrs. No wonder the first thing that came out of my mouth was, " I feel like I just got hit by a dump truck!" Matt jumps back in control. By this time we had seen the fish 2 times, and knew it was HUGE, but at this time still did not know the extent of the prize we had on our line! Matt battles for the next 38 mins, pushing our time with this beast to 3 hrs 38 mins, when we get a good glimpse! The beam of the boat we were on was 14 foot, and this BEAST was longer than the beam of the boat! The captain and first mate are getting giddy with joy, as they tell us this is potentially the new Island record, and will make them somewhat famous around the island, and certainly boost their business! Just was we think we are over the hump and have her tired enought to pull on board and take back the the St. Lucia game and fish commission for accurate weight and record potential, she make another run! And the fight is back on.... About 20 mins later within 2 mins of the 4 hr mark, our roller-coaster of emotions starts to happen with a loud snap that could make a grown man cry. Much to my suprise, and everyone else on board, the rod snapped about 5 roller tips down..... The first thing I can think of is back down to her as fast as possible and any chance we might get to grab her, all hands on and get her in the boat....and as I am thinking it, the captain starts yelling at the first mate in Patois(their native dialect) and he looks at me and says hold on! At this point we are probably traveling at troling speed ( 9 knots) backwards into 3-5 foot waves and we are getting hammered! Matt is reeling with everything he has, as myself and the first mate try and hold the broken rod tip inline with the rod as much as possible to regain as much line as we can..... This lasts for another 15 mins, and the inevitable outcome happens......the line breaks After a couple minuets of crying( literally by the mate), nauseous feeling and the realization that the fish of a lifetime was now gone, we headed back to the dock, 2 hrs over the time we were supposed to be back, and proceeded to end this day.. It was, and still is a VERY...well I dont really know how to explain it, but the captain and first mate invited us to come back for a half price trip to try and catch her again, and even 2 days after the trip, people on the island were still coming up asking us if it were true we almost caught a 18 foot 1200 lb marlin. Of course we had to set them straight as the captain estimated it to be between 14-15 foot and 800-900 lbs! The current island record is right at 14 foot and 846 lbs. And now for the pics! And a couple of the wedding and our Jump off of the world famous Rick's Cafe Cliffs afterwards!!
  6. sorry to disappoint......mine even has k&n air filter, and borla exhaust to try and help! Jeff
  7. Try a different color or size! I still like the original devil's horse black or blue back with chrome bottom best!! Jeff
  8. Depending on dates, I am owed a road trip since mine got canceled at the last minuet! Jeff
  9. I have a 2007 Tundra Limited 4wd 5.7 with 3'' level kit and 35's and I get 13.5 average with or without my boat. My boat is just a 1648 aluminum boat though. Can't even tell it is back there....PM me with any other questions.. Jeff
  10. Sofl, It certainly was a memorable trip! My first landed marlin, and almost my second. I get offshore as much as possible(1-3 times a year consisting of 3-8 days) but dont get to do it as much as I would like. Most trips are a week and during that week I fish 1-2 times! This trip was 2 week and I only fished twice, so you see how sporadic it is! I have had the opportunity to fish in all of these countries though: Honduras, Guatamala, El Salvador, Barbados, Belize, St. Thomas, Cancun, Cozumel, Costa Maya and now Jamaica and St. Lucia. My quote after that 4+ hr fight, split between myself and one other guy was, " I felt like I had been run over by a dump truck" We had dinner reservations that night and didn't make em, as I took some advil and sat in the hot tub for a while before passing out for the evening without dinner! Jeff
  11. No bass fishing for the last 2 weeks, but did get to hook up with a couple Blue Marlin on consecutive trips... First was Friday June 3rd in Negril Jamaica 7 foot 150 lbs Second was Friday June 11th in Castries St Lucia 14-15 ft 8-900 lbs broke the rod at the 3 hr 58 min mark and then the line at the 4 hr 13 min mark...... VERY disappointing after such a long battle, but we saw her 3 times and she lived to fight another day... Jeff
  12. 2nd tier SEC team that gives the tigers fits every year.....6-7 in the last 13 yrs
  13. I am 175, my buddy is 160 and we have no problem with trolling motor, battery, .410 shotgun, 4-6 rods, 2 tackle boxes and a small cooler with drinks! Jeff
  14. They work great! I have fished at least 30 days from one of those this year already!1 Jeff
  15. 00 mod

    Trap Shooting

    Glenn, what you are describing is sporting clays! That is what I shoot competitively! Jeff
  16. great day of fishing and nice hog! Jeff
  17. Ive caught them on white/cart spinnerbiats... Jeff
  18. Thats a steal!! Shimanos hardly ever go on sale! Jeff
  19. I actually caught these 2 off the same bed....was thinking the same thing! Back to back casts...5lb 1 oz and 7lbs on the dot! What do you think, 2 females on same bed? Jeff
  20. 00 mod

    Trap Shooting

    I shoot sporting clays. I have been competing for about 3 yrs now! I actually have a couple dedicated sporting guns, with one LH Browning 425 Gold Sporter for sale right now if anyone needs one! Jeff
  21. Nice limit and congrats! Jeff
  22. oh ok! Cool. I just thought you had posted a picture and it stopped working! Congrats again! jeff
  23. Great fish, but I'm not loading the picture.....? Jeff
  24. Welcome home! First and foremost, THANK YOU for your service! Hope you have a great trip and share all of your big fish with us! Jeff
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