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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. Went out to the public pond again and tricked one into hitting a swim Jig. Only fish of the evening, but I was only out there for an hour. St Croix Avid AVC70hf Shimano Curado 200e7 Daiwa Samuria 40lb Braid Bonehead Custom Swim jig w/ powerbait 4'' curlytail white trailer
  2. Thought I was watching a Bill Dance skiing em across the top of the water BOOOYAHH!! Nice video! Jeff
  3. Great story and good cal on the c&r no pic! Jeff
  4. 7'' version of the rage tail thumper
  5. Great story and determination! Sorry to hear of your loss! We also had a destroyed pond due to the high waters that left many lunkers in fields! Must have been the same time, sometime in April when it happened. Just one month previous to the rains, we had pulled an 8lb 9oz (my pb) and an 8lb 1 oz( best friends pb) out of the same pond less than 200 yrds from each other, one week apart. Jeff
  6. If I were to get one combo to do multiple things in that price range, I would look at a St Croix Avid AVC70MF paired with a Shimano Curado 200e7. Price would be in the range of $170ish for the rod and $150ish for the reel. You are looking at around 320, and spend the other 80 on tackle! Jeff PS- Welcome to BR!!
  7. Right now we are seing lots of carp and even big gar splashing around on the surface! Jeff
  8. Are you sure it was bass and not carp? I dont know where you are located, but asian carp around here are horrible! Jeff
  9. Topwater(buzzbaits, pop-r's, and walk the dogs) would have killed in that situation I would think! Also like to throw lipless cranks through the schools of shad. That would have been my approach! Jeff
  10. Great pics and great fishing! Jeff
  11. Congrats on the new pb and keep those pics coming!
  12. When and where in TN you coming?
  13. Forgot to ask, what bait where you using on your flick shake? Jeff
  14. Nice! I had a 7 species day about 3 weeks ago. Kinda crazy, but between the 2 of us we caught, lmb, gar, catfish, crappie, bream, pumpkinseed and a drum! LOL Jeff
  15. How big is the pond? You may not have taken out enough.
  16. I like your thinking! Jeff
  17. I'd get a minnkota t motor with spot lock and save a little more and get the graph! Spot lock will hold you better in 11 fow that any power pole ever dreamed about! Jeff
  18. Kill em all! I hate those things! Biggest one I have killed so far!
  19. Most of the time when that is happening to me it is bluegill! Good catches and keep it up! Jeff
  20. Just some guy, who catches great fish, has great stories, teaches the people he fishes with and makes a d**n great bait line-up called Rage Tail by strike king! Jeff
  21. ummmm?? Roadwarrior!!!
  22. The first step is admitting you have a problem........... Jeff
  23. I trim my weed guards at an angle to the hook point only when fishing open water. When in thick cover, the weed guard is necessary! Skirts I pretty much leave alone! I like the slower fall Jeff
  24. give me either a bonehead 3/8 black/blue jig with trailer, or a t-rigged 8'' worm in something dark!! Jeff
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