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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. Do you want me to guess the dead weight or alive weight?
  2. Most of mine have come on a jig, specifically 3/8 black/blue jig, but one on a red-eye shad and my pb came on a t-rigged reaction innovations sweet beaver. TN, MS, AR
  3. Not an old timer.....but welcome back to our community!! Jeff
  4. Nope, but my oxbow is right around your area.....Proctor to be exact......just north of Horeshoe! jeff
  5. I love my oxbow! I fish more there than everywhere else combined!! And it is not easy fishing always. between me and one other guy we caught 14 Friday and 12 Saturday with the biggest being 3 lb 4 oz. 6 hours each day. Jeff
  6. Smooth drag. Most important feature of a spinning reel. Try the stradics. You'll never look back Jeff
  7. the report....
  8. So I posted this morning about waiting for my buddy to get to the house to head out fishing, and I said I would post a report, so here it is... Got out on the lake around 6:15 just at sun-up. Started fishing our usual spots with a couple of misses...and then I land a little guy on a thumper. Fish around on all of the points, drop offs and everywhere else I have caught fish recently, including Friday. It was slow today, but we did manage 12 keepers, 7 me and 5 Paul. Big fish of the day went to Paul at 3lb 4oz and I had a couple others right at the 3 lb mark. My fish came like this: 2 on the thumper and 5 with Jig. Pauls were: 3 on worm, and 2 carolina rigged fluke. Not the pattern we have seen in the last week of spinnerbaits and red-eye shads, but we did manage to catch a few. We got in the truck to leave at 12:20 Jeff Pauls 3lb 4 oz
  9. Been sitting in my truck reading every topic since 4:15 boat hooked up ready to go waiting on my partner to get here and he's not supposed to be here till 5:15 anyone else wake up wayyy to early cause they can't sleep? Almost 5 now so he should be here soon....... Will let Yall know how we do. Jeff
  10. Arkansas plays Missouri state, New Mexico and Troy to open their season, and each one of them BEGS to play Arkansas. I dont know the exact numbers on all of them, but Missouri State got paid $395,000 to play last week. Thats $98,750 a quarter! PS> even with cream puffs the first 3, Arkansas still has the 20th toughest schedule in all off college football!
  11. My terrova was $1500 so I would assume it is the powerdrive which I think is remote only. Jeff
  12. Correct. I have the terrova and love it! Jeff
  13. Are there any videos of a bass eating a snake from the top of the water? Just curious.... Jeff
  14. LSU will have a tough challenge at the end of the year, as always!! Jeff
  15. How much did that one weigh? Jeff
  16. Is that a state record???
  17. Part of deer hunting, or hunting in general is effective and humane kill. I personally wouldn't use a .410 for deer. If shotguns are the only gun allowed to use, please convince him it is only one shot and a 12 ga will do much better. It's not like he is wing shooting or clays where he will take a beating all day!!
  18. Nice fishing over the weekend and a good mixed bag!! Jeff
  19. My hogs looked good! Kellen Moore...wow! Can't wait for Bama on sept 24th..... Ole miss...sucks almost as bad as the o-line AND d-line of Auburn... WOOOOOO PIG SOIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
  20. Custom!!! Can have anything you want! Jeff
  21. I am promised at least one smallmouth trip this fall/winter so hopefully I can catch a nice one. Haven't fished for them in many years, so to up my pb of 2 3/4 shouldn't be hard! MAYBE!! Jeff
  22. Thanks for the response....I saw that and thought that since all of tose rods ended in "c" the c stood for fast and the "b" might mean something else? Jeff
  23. My wife and I fish some together. She ALWAYS fishes with me when I fish for other than bass species. She fishes for bass with me about 4-6 times a year. We go to the river for trout about 3 times a year, and if it is panfish we are after, I better have a bucket of crickets for her too!! Sorry for the pic heavy, but I had to brag!! Jeff
  24. Can anyone tell me what this rod is? Or more specifically what the b stands for? I know it is medium heavy 7 foot, but what is the action? Jeff
  25. Maybe carp?
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