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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. I have a couple different mets Met 13 / 16 MGL / Met DC
  2. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  3. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  4. @FishHard247 Would love to see the video! Jeff
  5. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  6. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  7. I am not saying break the law - but here in TN, parking tickets are not required to be paid, as they cannot prove who the driver is. The city/state sees it as "bonus money" when one is paid. Jeff
  8. Congrats on the new PB! Jeff
  9. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  10. Once the water temp warms the trout that are left die off. Not sure about those ponds. Jeff
  11. Yummy! How did it taste??? Jeff
  12. Not until the winter when they stock some of the public parks. Jeff
  13. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  14. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  15. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  16. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  17. Love my Tundra! Jeff
  18. Or Ryan Salzman https://www.alabamabassguide.com Jeff
  19. 00 mod

    Pair of 7's

    Awesome fish! Ya'll are starting to figure that place out! It is magical. Fish get so fat that people can't tell the weight. I fooled the entire board one day on a fish caught out of there! Jeff
  20. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  21. Those are both the same reels. There are 2 models but the only difference is the gear ratio. Jeff
  22. Here are some threads that might help! http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/128444-xmas-tree-brush-piles/?hl=%20brush%20%20piles http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/109401-fishing-in-the-middle-of-brush-pilesupdated1111/?hl=%2Bfish+%2Battractors#entry1193188 http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/111205-a-little-work-ahead-of-me/?hl=%2Bfish+%2Battractors#entry1212520 http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/128428-pvc-trees-do-they-hold-largemouth/?hl=%2Bfish+%2Battractors#entry1417020 Jeff
  23. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  24. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
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