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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  2. Welcome to the forums! Would love to see a pic of a 13.5! Jeff
  3. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  4. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  5. They did kip in the games though Jeff
  6. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  7. Just an update on this, the annual Crossfit Games are going on right now and "Murph" was one of the workouts for the individual Men and Womens categories this year. They completed the exercise wearing a 20lb weighted vest and broke the Pulls ups, Push Ups and Squats into 5 rounds( 20 Pull, 40 push and 60 squat each). Just to give you an idea of how elite these competitors are(top 40): Mens 1st place- 34:38 (23 mins faster than me haha) last place- 51:04 Womens 1st place -36:42 last place-53:40 Jeff
  8. Congrats on the nice fish! I recommend getting a fish grip jr and attaching it onto your scale. They can't jump off that! Jeff
  9. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  10. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  11. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  12. Just used Expiditor service last month. They sent the new rod, I sent the old one back in the same tube and they paid shipping. It cost $100 total! Jeff
  13. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  14. Nice fish and Happy Birthday!! Jeff
  15. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  16. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  17. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  18. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  19. This fish weighed 1 oz shy of 8lbs. Jeff
  20. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  21. Congrats on the new PB! Jeff
  22. Those are great numbers! Keep at em! Jeff
  23. Awesome! I understood all of the lingo! Haha! Congrats on the awesome day! Jeff
  24. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  25. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
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