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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. Of course you can! Post away! We all like fish porn! Jeff
  2. Atta boy @Long Mike. Great catch buddy!!! Jeff
  3. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  4. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  5. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  6. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  7. @An Outdoor Guy how did it go? Jeff
  8. I am very surprised nobody has mentions the Met DC? Very good reel! But you said best, and from the ones I have, The 16 Ant DC takes the cake! Jeff
  9. No clue about playoffs, but Go Hogs Go!! Jeff
  10. No livewell in my little tin. Seems like as good a reason as any to get a new boat!! Jeff
  11. Only way to not catch them is fish water without catfish in it. Just keep at em! Jeff
  12. Keeps my hat on better. Don't have to take it off on boat runs! And it does stay up, but I don't know about better because I have never worn it under the hat! Buff, long sleeves, long pants and sun gloves for me! Jeff
  13. Thanks @WIGuide. I thought about something like that but didn't want to take the time with the fish out of the water. These fish were literally out of the water maybe 30 secs. That is why the pics aren't that great and I forgot to get pics on the scale! HAHA Oh well. Jeff
  14. I think the biggest difference in levels of fishermen are this: Beginner: "I just wanna catch a fish" Intermediate: "I just wanna catch a limit(5 fish)" Advanced: "I just wanna catch a big limit" Trophy Hunter: "I don't care about a limit, I wanna catch the biggest fish in here!" It is all in the mindset! Jeff
  15. Nice! Normally that only works when you have someone else with you. Awesome you got it done by yourself! Jeff
  16. Funny you should say that, when I put the 8.77 on the IGFA board, I said out-loud to myself, if that 9.10 had her length she would have been a DD! Jeff
  17. Nice day. But explain to me that "two rod tango" you had going on there? Jeff
  18. Does anyone else experience a huge adrenaline rush or almost "high" from fishing. Like a giant strike, or a big one jumping? Or once you have landed that giant bass- not being able to stay still? Shaking? It is what keeps me going back. I had this happen last night, and was able to capture it in picture form. Noticed it today when looking through pics. I was shaking so hard while trying to take this pic, my Iphone6 auto focus couldn't hang! HAHA Thought she was a DD.......(check the far left side of the fish) Jeff
  19. Not sure if some are the same or not honestly. It's a crazy spot. You will literally get skunked with big fish for several trips. And then BAM. They are feeding like crazy! I haven't caught a bass over 5lbs in over 2 months.......... When this 9 jumped 3 times I though for sure she was a DD. I was shaking like a leaf. I won't stop anytime soon, so I just know my US DD is coming. Wouldn't it be crazy if my first US DD broke my PB!!!!! Jeff
  20. Got a chance at a little "fishing therapy" this afternoon. That is what I call it when I am by myself. Never expect to have a day like this when alone, but man are they always welcome! Need to invest in a selfie stick, cause with short arms it is hard to get the big fish in the pics! Ha, isn't that nice to complain about!!!! Anyways, caught 7 today with the top 5 going 32.3lb (9.10, 8.77, 6.83, 6.10, 1.5ish) Wish I could have culled the dink, but not complaining! All fish were caught on a @Siebert Outdoors brush head jig(couple different colors). In order of catch: 6.83 9.10 8.77 6.10 And the sunset to cap off the AWESOME afternoon! Jeff
  21. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  22. Reel: Shimano Curado 200E7 Rod: St Croix Avid 7'H/F Line: 40lb Daiwa Samurai Braid Lure: Bomber Fat Free BD8 Dances Citrus Shad Bass: LM 10lb 14oz- July 19, 2012 Talk about wrong gear for the bait huh? But when out of the country and not properly prepared, you do what you have to do. I have since changed all of my travel gear to better suit this situation, yet have not topped the bass. Maybe I should try that horribly wrong setup again and let her catch me "off guard" Reel: Shimano Core 50 Rod: loomis E6X 845C CBR Line: Suffix 832 braid/ Maxima 15lb leader Lure: Duo Realis 120SP Komochi Wakasagi Bass: SM 5lb 13oz - May 3, 2015 Jeff
  23. Like x 1,000,000. Very happy you are making a recovery and back on the water! Jeff
  24. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  25. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
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