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00 mod

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Everything posted by 00 mod

  1. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  2. Crickets almost 100% of the time for bluegill! Jeff
  3. @Jtrout it's in the video! Haha Jeff
  4. Absolutely awesome! If I had a big boat, I would do this type of event often! Congrats to you and your vet! Jeff
  5. First fish of the morning. Had been working down a bank with a Rio Rico in bone when she crushed it. Sounded like a toilet flushing, literally. As soon as I was sure she was hooked, I rushed back to turn on the camera. Just in time to grab the net and get her in for this video and a quick glamour shot! Jeff
  6. Something with teeth for sure! Also to check for your burr, take a q-tip and round each eyelet. The fuzz will stick and show you a bad spot! Jeff
  7. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  8. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  9. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  10. This is the official measuring board, and although I have caught bass that measure longer than 65cm (25.59'') , I have never gone through the hassle of submitting it for the record. This fish was caught 8/28/16 just a couple weeks ago Jeff
  11. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  12. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  13. If you can find it, give Tieton a try. They grow the apples for Gerber baby food, and Gerber is so strict on heir quality control they needed something to do with the apples. So they are making ciders, that are all apple( not 2 whole apples per bottle, that is a joke), or apple plus 1 other ingredient for different flavors. Highly recommend! Jeff
  14. Welcome to the forums! WPS! Jeff
  15. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  16. Weight is king! I have caught bass 7 to almost 11 lbs that are within 1.5'' of each other in length! That being said, I only weigh fish that I believe to be over 5lbs, and only sometimes do I take a length measurement(mostly when fishing alone). I do however, weight and measure length and girth of all PB status bass! Jeff
  17. No clue? I would advise finding a bigger boat before going through that trouble. Jeff
  18. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  19. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  20. Get the absolute width bottom width you can afford. Don't go less than 48". And an on-board charger would be on my short list! Jeff
  21. Very cool! A Spartan is on my very short list. We are looking for one next year! Congrats! Jeff
  22. Cause I was almost out..........NOT!! Thanks again Mike! Jeff
  23. There are quite a few that I have already fished with. And just as many that I would love to fish with. Think older, wiser, better fishermen than myself! Best way to get better, is to surround yourself with people who push you to be better! Jeff
  24. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
  25. Welcome to the forums! Jeff
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