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  1. QUAKEnSHAKE's post in ML CASTING ROD was marked as the answer   
    6' ml/f 1/16-1\2 Sic guides lifetime warranty made usa on sale 
    I don't own the brand but specs seem in your alley
  2. QUAKEnSHAKE's post in Sideplate On Curado I Won't Close? was marked as the answer   
    If the spool tension is turned too far it pushes the spool outward so when the sideplate is removed spool will be out farther not able to be pushed back in easily. Lessening the spool tension lets the spool/shaft move in more allowing the sideplate to go back on more easily.
    The spool shaft is basically squeezed between the sideplate and the tension cap. 
  3. QUAKEnSHAKE's post in View Liked Post By Yourself was marked as the answer   
    Go in your profile, on left side column is "Likes" click it and you see posts there. On the green bar you choose given to view likes you give posts. Click received to view who and what post gave/got you the Like
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