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Everything posted by QUAKEnSHAKE

  1. 1ST vote YES I picked braid cause I like the line management and its strenght /dia cause I dont use the real heavy braids 20# is the highest I go. A lot of my fishing is dragging the bottom constant contact and it gives me the best sensitivity. I have some Trilene 100% Im trying but not ready to judge it yet. Oh I left out that I use mostly ML & MED power rods I catch many fish at a distance of 100' or so and the lack of stretch I feel is a big plus on hooksets.
  2. Im sure that bass with the jig still stuck in it isnt too happy as well. I wonder if that is now a status symbol to the other fish it meets.Like, Hey guys look I broke that sucker of took its jig, Should have seen the look on its face as I swam away. It thought it had me but I fishtailed it out of there.
  3. There was but it... VANISHED
  4. I cant say really what is wrong but Ive used 8-10# braid on a number of spincast/underspin reels for years. zebco33, daiwa goldcast us, omega, pflu 1806 us, a Synergy micro underspin. My 7y/o son yesterday was throwing the Pflu 1806 w/10# braid no issues throwing very nice 40 feet or so only a small bobber. Ive used it for bass on occasion and with just nightcrawler it goes very well. My only guess would be that by chance could you be getting the subtle braid caught in the threads of the cover as you put it on? This would cause it to get stuck and too might cut the line at the same time. This why even with light power cast the line breaks. Another tip if you still want to try your braid again get Reel Magic or KVD Line Conditioner take the cover off spray the line put cover on carefully. You can use this stuff for any of your other lines you have to help.
  5. Add one of the "excluded" brands to your cart and you will get the disount. I did this with shimano rod and got the discount.
  6. It is an odd sound think of an out of tune violin played by a person that doesnt know how to use one.
  7. Instead of 8 strands in the weave it uses 4 strands. 4 separate pieces of line wooven together into one line.
  8. I got 20# 300yd spool for $5 at DSG that stuff is the noisiest braid I have used and dont think its very smooth. I believe the 20# and under is a 4 carrier(that is the backward part from 832) just didnt care for it so I would say pass.
  9. I get and agree with what you mean. Being deceitful, lieing passing off a fish as being caught on a different lure should not be allowed or tolerated. Man-up own-up to the truth if the fish wasnt caught on your sponsors product Ill respect a person more for the truth. If a "pro" lies and says the 8#'er was caught on a senko when it was actully caught with an ocho what else will that "pro" lie about or has lied about. I cant believe people would find it acceptable.
  10. 1.Thats what my father did I can still smell him. 2. Yeah wouldnt want to get any germs on your cig
  11. 1.Your hottest senko colors? BAMA BUG 3.Your hottest creature bait colors? Watermelon w/chartreuse skirt Dont use 2,4 much
  12. Cabelas Bargain Cave regularly has a selection of reels discounted.
  13. Kinami Palm Tree.
  14. Last year in the heat I targeted weedmats with Palm Trees. Any such stuff in your lake to give a try. Im using the same this year and its producing. Here a thread/report I posted http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/104503-kinami-palm-tree-to-beat-the-heat/
  15. Im going to guess 8.5oz Alu frame sideplate, big gear, big knobs, long handle going to have some weight to it.
  16. 2 bearings per knob please or ability to do such.
  17. RES catch me fish, the good ones I get that is. Of 5 that I bough 3 of them wont run straight. Overal really like the Rap Rippin Raps run true and hold their paint and catch fish.
  18. OOOHHH!! Thinking just might return/exchange CH50E for for this reel. Know of a release date anyone?
  19. There you go, I think your limb will hold.
  20. Yeah the Chronarch moves to new frame,price and leaves the "E" frame without a name and a void in the $200 pricepoint. The 50 will be gone the CUG doesnt have one. Might they switch the Curado back to the "E" frame and call it an H? Or do they drop the "E" frame and increase the price of the Curado G?
  21. Hmm? Guess we'll have to wait and see about this rumor. On the same TT site Bantam1 states otherwise. Bantam1 quote: June 17 2013 " The Core is in place with no plans to change in the immediate future."
  22. 100MG has smaller knobs too.
  23. FYI Okuma reel warranty does charge for return shipping $8. Or if you are a cynic think of it as an $8 insurance policy, other top brands dont charge for return shipping.
  24. I had a Helios for about a month. It started making a coulpe of noises. One noise a clicking sound due to the thumbbar internals would not disengage is the best I can put it. Press the thumbbar then turn handle to retrieve and clikc click click click. IT would happen sporatically then more often like happen 4-5 casts in a row then stop for a few then start back again. I found another user that had same issue. Other sound was from the braking on a cast a whizzing sound started after a few weeks use. Cleaned oiled the bearings didnt help much. It was a very nice reel up til these issues felt solid smooth. I bought Chronarch knobs for it plus it could have 2 bearings per knob. Went great on my Smoke rod but cause of the issues returned. So I cant say from my experience to get one but if you can get one locally from a place that has a good return policy then might take a chance on one.
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