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Everything posted by QUAKEnSHAKE

  1. I have and Im sure others have caught a number of fish that had a hook in its mouth. So even with a hook in it the fish still can be fooled again. And Im almost certain I have caught the same fish twice, unless there are two bass hanging in the same area without an upper lip.
  2. Secret Weapon are my favorite you can change blades very easily and no bearings to go bad
  3. Kinami Palm Trees
  4. yep we're close I got .29925oz on a white pearl.
  5. Did anybody catch the free lifetime cleaning/hand tune that comes with the XI version?
  6. I just got me some Boca abec7 used about 14 hours so far. I put them in a Curado 50E replacing the stock bearings. I had the stock bearings cleaned pretty well and use very light REM Oil and one brake mostly. Im running the Bocas dry and the same brake setting didnt have to change anything. Right now Im not seeing much improvement on long distance with Palm Tree or 1/2oz Lipless cranks. Havent really tried lighter presentation so cant comment in that area. I went ahead took both seals off, the noise on the cast isnt really all that bad from what I was expecting but on the retrieve the noise is a bit more than I would like but bearable. Ill add that right now I am soaking them in acetone not sure if needed or will help any further but cleaning them anyway.
  7. I did numerous tests prior, with just back from the lake line having lost 2 lures, and got around 9 pounds before the line & or knot broke. The line was put back on its spool and has set for over a month. I just went and tried it out with the end that never saw the water used palomar knot a few times and through eye twice 7 turn uni knot. I got up to 12.6 pounds with said uni knot and a low of 10.2 with palomar knot. The same uni knot on other 15# braid gives me over 20# before line/knot breaks. Plus I have 8-10# braid that is stronger. I like the line in other areas casts great ,quiet, didnt notice any bleeding of color but the reel was a Helios that is black so it would not be easy to notice.
  8. Got out to Rock Cut SP mostly 12"-14" bass but one nicer one at 3# caught close to the launch.
  9. Ill tell ya what not to try and that is 15# Kanzen. From my own trials this is very weak line and have since read of a number of others that report the same of this # test. Customer Service at Seaguar is non-existent as well so no help from them.
  10. I dont think I would sell my Core50 but Im returning my Chronarch50 so as to make room for the CI4+.
  11. Here is a pic of my 7'6"cumara with one of those caps showing the balance point with & without cap.
  12. If you are just wanting to try something and not really purchase a new reel give these a shot. From walmart part# 0037824 ---Soft Touch Rubber chair tips 1 1/8" - 1 1/4" . For the weight added it will be less and have more of an effect on the balance than a heavier reel will. I found that around 1 ounce at the butt is like 3 ounces at the reel so you are 2ounces less overall. I dont think a little under an ounce heavier reel (7.9 mg to 8.8 zill) will change the balance much at all given it will cost $200+ compared to $2. I have a LTB but not the one you have and putting one on brought the balance point 2 inches closer, to under the reel itself.
  13. Doesnt help now but a few days ago BPS had Cores on sale for $260
  14. How about jig with ragetail craw Or you have a BPS near get a pack of Palm Trees w 4/0 ewg hooks and try those. The Palm Trees work for me in 20fow the color I like watermelon w/chartreuse skirt. You can throw these far out in the middle hop/drag them back.
  15. I have a 20 size president and tried nudging the spool a bit too full with 8# braid so the spool lip wasnt really in use. What would happen is the line coming off would grap the underlying line and pull it off and it comes of in a tangle. I took some line off so the spool lip a little more exposed. The line catching went away and thus no tangles.
  16. Your gear should work fine. I would say the first/second time you go out dont even worry about catching fish instead practice practice practice. Get a good 1/2 plug sinker or compact lure like 1/2oz lipless crank to toss and work on your thumb/spool control.
  17. Vote is nearly tied maybe the board isnt so braid biased after all..
  18. 2 more tidbits of info: Brass gears Made in Japan
  19. Yes they will I had them on plus you can add a bearing to each for 2 bearings per knob. For another persons confirmation see: "Okuma Helios.....First Impressions" in User Reviews on TT. Too a person says Daiwa Pixy knobs are interchangeable. The Helios was a sweet reel awesome quality feel to it. If the Cabelas near me had stock of them would have traded for another but they didnt so got CH50E. Very few reels that I have ever bought have had zero issues just dont have good luck buying them. My Core I dropped on my second day of owning it. I was taking it off a rod and fumbled it and it fell 6 feet on to the concrete basement floor chipped the sideplate. Went through 3 Stradics all with the same whirring issue. The BPS CL well we all know the grinding gears of that reel. I returned 4 Pflu Presidents till I got one without a drag feel while turning the handle. And there are others.
  20. I found this out when I bough 5 Red eye shad only 2 ran well and they caught fish the other 3 veer off to the sides.
  21. I think a lot of it is that some just want to say they use 50, 65,80# test. I cant get myself to go higher than 20# braid dont even use IT that much. I throw spro frogs with 10# braid got my pb with it out of thick slop and over a 20'+ fallen branch. Ive brought in huge weedmats,fish too, with just 15# braid.
  22. I rig mine like this vid but dont add any weight. The knot he uses I put the line through the eye twice then that 7 turn UNI knot, works great. I use 15# braid and it holds little past 20#. Oh depending on your wants for distance this rigged weightless easily flies past 100' and yes have caught many past that range.
  23. Yep KVD has a video where he recommends braid with the Sexy Dawg, if its good enough for him.
  24. I think its a good tactic and a high hook-up ratio one at that. Worked for me today just got back and used a Palm Tree dragged across mats and this guy hit through the stuff. Just dragging might be alright I would suggest giving little hops to create a bit more disturbance
  25. A boat will get you to more places where fish could be but wont necessarily mean you will catch more. Ive been on boat with 3 people and been lucky to get one bass total at times. Once with my buddies I didnt care for ones technique of drifting a dam side over and over and over. After about 3hrs of nothing I asked to drop me at the bank and within 4 casts had a bass. Tip: if you have weedmat like in my pic I drag senko or Palm Tree over them hit little open pockets it drops and bam fish on or they hit through it, good shore tactic. A hollow frog could work too but my hook-up % is awful and those wont fall in the pockets.
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