Going off memory isnt the 742casting a stronger rod than the 742spinning not the same blank???
I did a quick search and yep I read about this comparison of these 2 on another site.
civicrr quote:
"The DX742c(casting) is basically the same power as the DX743s (spinning).
I was spooled up with 20lb braid/leader system. Rod worked great. Was super easy to cast the long bomb AND get the solid hooksets. I landed numerous fish in the 4lb-5lb range with a best of 7lbs. There were a couple times where I didn't turn the fish immediately & it was a little tough, stll got 'em though! Keep in mind, I'm fishing the senko rigged Texas. Fishing it wacky, your not driving the hook through the bait. Lot easier to get a good hookset with the exposed wacky hook! I'm pretty confident, you'd be fine with your 10lb-12lb line. For what you're describing, I'd use the DX742c."
I sent you a pm Rudy