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Everything posted by QUAKEnSHAKE

  1. Dont know about any current in the small lake I fish but its 20-22 feet deep and have been catching them off bottom. Still feel the weight and move it along like a jig. Its windy often when it gets over 20mph the thing will drift but manages to get down but with the gusts Ive noticed movement.
  2. They still do Ive read 3-4 separate reports of breaks the past 2-3weeks. And on Abu site in June check the reports of breakage. http://reviews.abugarcia.com/1202-en_us/312/abu-garcia-veritas-reviews/reviews.htm
  3. Ive been all over from 12 bass on one then change and the very first fish with new one it gets thrown off into the lake I see that chartreuse skirt go down down down bye bye.
  4. I use 5/0 EWG as well. Ive been looking for wder gap though not longer for use with IKA and Damiki Hydra. I see OWNER has a Wide Gap Plus size hook might anybody have used these like a EEWG? The hydra is a bit fatter but not as long, 5/0 is right at the tip but 4/0 not much gap left. Like ChiCity Basser mentioned might cause missed strike with the small gap. I think a wider gap would help with baits lasting longer as now the bait dosent have room to move out of way so something has to give and its the bait, just tears or as seen in a few of my pics the bait runs up the line. That puzzels me a bit how that happens
  5. Yes Is this clear enough for you to see? the eye is at the skirt end
  6. Yeah that and apparently smallmouth to boot.
  7. I have no idea about fireline but nanofil is more sensitive than PP or PPS8S. Very good line management great distance that has caught me fish that otherwise I wouldnt have been able to get to. Find the right knot retie after 3-4 fish. It has replaced PPS8S on my legend elite/supreme xt set-up. Havent used it on bc but would use braid not nano on one.
  8. Try this- double the line over a good foot or so -go through the eye twice - 7 turn UNI knot-1/4" tag This is working very well for me with 6# on wacky rigged senko #2 weedless hook.
  9. They have been catching lmb extremely well for me lately The Kinami Palm Tree I use are the same thing just different colors bought Fat Ikas as well here my report. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/104503-kinami-palm-tree-to-beat-the-heat/
  10. I would consider what you caught a pretty good day not a rough day. WTG I caught 7 in 4hrs biggest only 15"
  11. Today I was scared, suprised, caught off guard whatever way to put it by the strike of this bass. My heart pounded had an adrenaline rush with a bit of shakey leg too follow. I just wasnt ready for the bite when it happened I threw to the target area retrieved back and stop to swat a mosquito then when I went to put hand on knob BAM!! I didnt react quickly more like WTH but still managed to land it wasnt hard just pull to shore it was so close. Ever been taken by surprise by a strike?
  12. I dont think it matters much. My fav/lucky fishing shirt is yellow and Ive caught many many fish within 10' of me from shore clear water lake. In this thread here http://www.bassresou...nlite-1st-fish/ the staredown bass and the last bass with bass> in picture nice bright day I had yellow shirt on right at the shore and bass were biting. I think walking quietly not stomping/heavy footed matters more.
  13. Looks to me that you need more line on your spinning reels they only half full. I think a different line will help as well the characteristics of braid makes for longer casts. As a cost saver you can use your mono as backing and put half the fireline on one reel and half on another. Here some baits and distance I get with my spinning gear Distance can be a factor to catching more bass for shore fishing, a person can be accuate AND throw far as well when need be. My PB was a max cast with just about 5 feet reeled in when hit, easy over 100 feet. In this photo getting out to the open pockets are a must they hold fish, and shore fishing only, far casts are needed.
  14. WTG Nice how did it hit, on the fall or let sit a bit or hop along bottom?
  15. Nanofil 6# has better sensitivity than PPS8S 10#, been switching between the two on a Legend Elite noticeable difference at that useing senko and caffine shad. I too had some knot issues til I messed around with different knots a modified UNI knot took my knot strength to over 9# with 6# nano no breaks since knot change. All my breakage when fish got stuck in weeds with 6# just couldnt horse 'em out, S8S you can though weeds and all. So for maximum distance with light weight presentations & VERY good sensitivity nanofil is good stuff just not a power line.
  16. Well a 30 size Supreme will work just fine on a ML rod save some weight too. I have 30 size on Croix LE 7'6" M/F. Dont know the conditions you will be fishing but on my ML Avid I have even smaller size 1000 Stradic held up fine.
  17. Ika has different sizes but have only seen one size Palm Tree. These things cast great even into the wind. here a pic of Palm Tree fron BPS
  18. Yeah that fish has very nice coloring and healthy looking, SWEET. I also like the fins up for photo as well.
  19. Oh thats nice little tidbit of trivia to know
  20. The 5.9oz Team Lews Pro reel aluminum frame and sideplates.
  21. As long as the TURD produces it can look like Joan Rivers its fine by me Hit the weeds again and here some more that the TURD caught also one nearly took my pole in. I laid it down to reel in a senko set-up and while I reeled in my senko set-up got bit on Palm Tree and pole started going towards lake wasnt big fish but it had some fight. Here the little guy that nearly took my pole
  22. In the slop pictured, Im tossing frog on top,10# & 20#powerpro would pick up fibers and eventually clog the first guide on my Smoke rod. Now Ive went to 15# PP S8S and havent had the same issue at all. Im guessing the smoother nature of S8S is the reason fished total of around 5 hrs in this area no glogs
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