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Everything posted by QUAKEnSHAKE

  1. Oh yeah with a bitsy minnow & UL target the boils on top.
  2. Very nice catch. What it caught on?
  3. Just got back did a bit better with my 2nd biggest of the year 2# 2oz LTB handled it ok but was a much better fight. Threw palm tree along flat weed area edge 6'-7' deep that drops quickly to 18 feet.
  4. A fishing derby was won with just one 14" bass on this lake. There have been a number of tournaments where 6# took 1st so 4-5 of these and you are placing 1-2.
  5. Well they are giants compared to what I usually catch
  6. Yesterday & today got out to use my LTB 69MLXF some more. The more use I get with it the more Im feeling very pleased with its performance. Getting a better feel of the backbone. There is a large stump and a couble of the bass took aim directly for it but give a solid feeling tug away and the bass follow. Got in some thicker weeds as seen in one pic but still no feeling of lack of power just a good fight. I put my JM Carbonlite reel on w/15# PPS8S and this makes for a nice light set-up feels good. Was tossing Palm Trees and Hydras hopping along bottom. A few fish just suck in the bait no tap tap but the slight pressure change was noticeable. I hooked into a little 20" northen but braid and pike dont mix. It got to about 6" from shore and snap Hydra went one way pike just stayed for a couple seconds. I dont move quck but just as I started to grap for it it went away with my Trokar hook. I should have just took a picture of it cause it didnt move til I did.
  7. Kinami Palm Trees - AKA - Fat Ika. The color I use/like is watermelon/chartreuse skirt but whatever you like. http://www.basspro.c.../product/53865/ Hooks for them well Ive been trying a few in 4/0 & 5/0 size EWG. Currently 4/0 TROKAR EWG WORM. Others Gamakatsu EWG Offset, some mention Owner Twistlock. I tried Owner Wide Gap Plus but was missing too many bites. These tear quick so if they have MEND-IT get some of that to fix them. I have a little butane iron that works well it melts the tears back together. Im on 18 bass with one right now. I have had them get tossed on the first catch though. BUT THEY CATCH FISH
  8. WTG Nice outing.
  9. I saw a LEWS video of one of their new reels stating they put in less anit-reverse to get better feel. Found it.
  10. XT30 here and I agree it is a great reel its my second XT and yes under $200 its the reel to get.
  11. Know nothing about the following rod just read good things about them. How light you want Shimano Cumara 72MLF $150 (reg $240) toss a $40-$50 reel on it free shipping. http://www.google.com/search?q=google&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&ie=utf8&oe=utf8#hl=en&sugexp=eesh&gs_nf=1&pq=google&cp=11&gs_id=y&xhr=t&q=shimano+cumara&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&oq=shimano+cum&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=54d57d1eb8a238c8&biw=1016&bih=539
  12. I think my Pinnacle BC has been a great reel its going on 10yrs was my main reel for 8yrs. They were sold at DSG here back then but now no where to be seen. Even contacting them to get a place close by that sells their product got me no feedback. I think it comes down to what brand people favor from the get go. Like Abu their veritas rod reports of breakage over & over & over and still reports yet people let that pass.
  13. Silas that rod has a backbone for sure for a ML. Fished with senko today pulled out an ok keeper bass bout 6 feet back in pads/slop.
  14. Just got back from Shab, 6hrs one 14" bass out of pads(senko) north shore near NMV buddy got a 2# cat chicken livers.
  15. FYI the LTBMLXF is rated to 1/2oz That is the same rating as a lot of MXF rods of other brands. IE Shimano Cumara MXF 1/2oz, Crucial MXF 3/8oz, and Loomis GLX MXF are rated to just 3/8oz for comparision I mentioned in my prior post of throwing .429oz nearly 1/2oz baits with the rod with ease. Line rating is 10# others 8-14 it looks like so it has in the middle line rating more lure rating
  16. I got mine at walmart. There are a number of different CRC products so check the back label right next to WARNING they list contents. Mine Acetone,Heptane isomers
  17. The one I have is a 50 state formula and is Acetone/Heptane non-chloronated, worked well.
  18. Here the balance point of LTB69MLXF w/ 50E I got the deal as well.
  19. How set are you on a 3rd MH? I purchased the LTB 69MLXF and it handles Fat Ikas, Damiki Hydras very well . The Hydra is .429oz and add what a hook weighs and it right near 1/2oz. Use of a 5" senko the feel of it with the XF tip is VERY good. Ive pulled in 15"-16" bass so far and it not lacking for backbone in its power rating. I will be using 1/8-1/4oz jig w/ baby craw with it. Im use to ML moderate rod though fighting the same size fish so its going to feel more powerful. I think that MHXF is going to be a very stout rod and might lose some enjoyment out of the fight of the fish if that makes sense. I have MHF Premier and the same size fish15"-16" its like- meh Scratch that, I just read why in the other thead cant trump that recommendation.
  20. Actually its good advice. I live with 2 herniated discs low back, mri shows them quite nicely,, sciatica, numbness foot just missed 2 weeks of work cause of it but its not as bad as it sounds. Tried canoes ,yaks at a club just was not comfortable any of them. I watched the vids and they seem calculated as they stand and dont realy see them walking front to back just standing in middle. This is fine for a bit of comfort Id say. The picture of the elevated seat if it was a bit higher would seem like a way to go. But the paddling would be a pain in the back so trollmotor for sure. I went the inflatable route that goes together in sections so the heaviest thing is the size 24bat. maybe 40# added a seat and very comfortable can stand walk a bit 2-3steps but its moving around when need be stability not an issue at all. My kids come with me they can move around they 6&12.The set-up time though is longer it takes about 20-25 minutes to unpack inflate and be on the water.
  21. That might depend on location. I looked at some in my area and $500-575 for skin, $480 for rep at a couple places. The link listed premier $380 so those seem like good prices.
  22. Well you are doing great I think. Im at like 1 1/2 - 2# maybe on my biggest SM and your 4-14SM is bigger than my biggest LM. So to me you're one of those "you guys" Keep at it
  23. Might be the favorite but not the better rod.
  24. Spinning St Croix Avid 8' ML Mod Pflueger Supreme XT 30 PowerPro Supe8Slick 10#
  25. That sounds like a plan. If you happen to be asking about set-up Cabelas has 5' UL Shimano Voltaeus rod for $20 Lifetime warranty. Almost bought one but found a St Croix Premier UL for $23. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Bargain-Cave/Fishing/Rods%7C/pc/105591780/c/105740280/sc/105742080/Shimano174-Voltaeus8482-Spinning-Rod/738782.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fbargain-cave-fishing-rods%2F_%2FN-1102769%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_105742080%3FWTz_l%3DSEO%253Bcat105591780%253Bcat105740280%26mkwid%3DSdKmirZT&WTz_l=SEO%3Bcat105591780%3Bcat105740280%3Bcat105742080 Here a number of reels under $30 like Shimano Sienna, Pflueger Trion http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/browse/fishing-fishing-reels-spinning-reels/_/N-1102842+10000047/Ne-10000047/Ns-CATEGORY_SEQ_104837580?WTz_l=SBC%3Bcat104793480%3Bcat104760180&WTz_st=GuidedNav&WTz_stype=GNU
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