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Everything posted by OnthePotomac

  1. Another vote for German made Triple Fish.
  2. This is only a guide on baitcasters to inform you of the yardage for a size line. You can load a higher pound line on the reel, but you will have less line on the reel. Keep this in mind though, even 100 yards of 14 lb is still 300 feet of line. You are never going to throw that far and will still have enough for frequent new line ties to baits. I have 20lb on reels, which only address the yardage up to 14lb. Notice also the differences in line diameter by different manufacturers. One company's 14lb mono may the same diameter as another company's 12lb. On spinning reels stick to the max line size recommended.
  3. Strike King has a new EZ-Rig for Carolina rigging and it is an already assembled C-Rig with weight, bead snd swivel for $4.99 a two-pack. Look on page 205 of the 2009 BPS Bass Book catalog. It is item "R". You will also see another type on the same page. If you have a Gander Mountain near you, they sell the same thing. The pre-rigs sure save a lot of time and I have found them to be just as effective.
  4. The 200E is a winner. It will cast a light lure a mile on 10 lb floro.
  5. And do not forget the Sweet Beaver on a Carolina Rig. Very effective.
  6. I have 8 floating Crystal Minnows I bought 10 years ago for $2.50 each when they hit the market and I use them for jerk bait fishing. Very effective. The 4" is a killer as a jerk bait above emerging grass.
  7. I must be missing something. I have used BPS EWG 3/0 hooks off and on for 7 years and never had a problem with them.
  8. Drums, I bought a telescoping push pole from Cabela's last year with a paddle attachment. It really worked great last summer in the beds. I have a 43 lb TM and it just will not handle the grass. The pole was $29.99 and the paddle attachment was $15.99. It is 50" long and extends to 10'. It made grass bed fishing enjoyable.
  9. I bought a reel cleaning DVD from these people and it was a wise investment. Very detailed. http://www.lakeforktacklerepair.com/
  10. Jitterbug one, VanDam has an excellent DVD on spinnerbait fishing, which covers all aspects of the bait and its use. Bass Pro sells them.
  11. I Texas them on a 3/0 EWG hook and a 3/16 slip sinker. I do catch bass with them.
  12. I use them and they are a great bait. Texas rig them on a 3/0 EWG hook with a 3/16 oz slip sinker. They are an incredible grass edge bait. Don't be in hurry in the retrieve.
  13. Inexpensive and excellent floros-Viscious and Triple Fish. Also excellent, but not so inexpensive-BPS floro. If you try the Viscious, or Triple Fish you will be pleasantly surprised.
  14. I have converted my Citica 200D to 7:1 gears and use it for buzzers, frogs and swinbaits with 50lb Power Pro. Works like a dream.
  15. What is the choice?? Get the Curado and be forever happy.
  16. I am thinking black wood stain if there is such a stain in black. Another option is a large black Sharpie, but I don't know if it would come off.
  17. I learned a long time ago that, unfortunately, there are fisherman who are good at putting out really bad information. Power Pro is an excellent line and has served me well for two years fishing buzzbaits, jigs, frogs and swimbaits. I have never lost a fish with Power Pro. Are there also other excellent braids out there---darn right.
  18. I clean my own reels and it is interesting to note that the new Curados disassemble just like the Citicas. In addition, the Curado E7 drive gear and pinion will also fit the Citica. The same for the previous models. I put the Curado 200DHSV 7:1 gears in my two Citica 200D's to make them 7:1 reels. Their aluminum frame and graphite side plates work because I have never had a drive gear, nor pinion problem in my older Curados.
  19. I agree. Burning off a cleaner is not a good idea at all. Before this, I have never heard of it.
  20. 50lb Power Pro is a good line for frog/buzzbait/jig/swimbait fishing, which is what I use it for in green. For these purposes green works for me. If you are going to use it for jig fishing, green would also work and if you have fairly clear water add a floro leader. The Tidal Potomac is usually 1-2 ft of visibility, so I never use a leader for jig fishing. Hope this helps.
  21. Fishingforfun, I don't know if this will help you , but I have a 175 Pro G3 with a 21 gallon tank and a 60 Yammie. It is now 8 years old. I have always used Ring Free and Stabil with each fuel addition and stored the boat with a full tank for up to three months through the winter. It has never failed to start right up. When E10 hit the pumps two years ago, I began using StarTron Enzym with the other additives and now have switched to StaBil Marine and the Ring Free. No problems so far without a fuel water separator, but they are nice to have. If you decide to install one, buy a 10 micron filter. The new StaBil Marine is an excellent product for E10 and should be used each time you add fuel. StaBil has impressive corrosion test results on their web site with this product.
  22. Shark makes a small, hand held electric blower with three nozzle sizes for computer keyboards, which works great for blow drying bearings. I put one at a time on a dowel tip sharpened like a pencil and hold it in the nozzle opening.
  23. The best way to sand down the power hump is to: 1. Put duct tape over the brass colored ring in front of the cork 2. Use 220 sand paper 3. Place the rod on a soft seat chair and sit on it with handle in front 4. Sand with narrow strips (1-2") with your hands on each end 5. Sand with the same motion as if you were shining a shoe 6. Keep checking until you like the size This does not take long and it does make a difference in how they feel.
  24. Winter tis the season to break out the Silver Buddies and the Mann's 3" avocado Stingray Grubs rigged on a 1/4oz ball head jig so that the hook comes out the third ring from the tail. Rig it with the tail horizontal and fish it on spinning gear. Bass and crappie love the little flat tail grub. They are hard to find and I finally went to Mann's to order mine. These are very popular Potomac winter baits.
  25. I keep reading reports of all of the bass caught in the Chickamuxen. I fished the Chick on Aug 4 and it was a ghost town with the creek covered from shore to shore with a horrible, thick algae bloom. Are bass being caught through this stuff????
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